Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all

Anybody got any ideas for stopping my darling Bella running off with underclothes?  she seems to have a fetish with bras and underwear - has eaten through several of my daughters panties.... she sneaks them out of the washing machine or drier and takes off into the garden where I chase her trying to get the said undergarments back... to no avail until they are rubbish! she just keeps running away as I run after her screaming NO!  Any ideas? Its an expensive business trying to replace a 22 year old's underwear!

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Thanks Andrea!  Am working on drop it with the ball when i throw it for her... just have to keep persisting! 


This is a serious problem.  Dogs eating clothing, wash clothes, etc.  They can cause a life threatening blockage.  On another website a 3 year old Doodle "Kroner" had eaten a wash cloth and had surgery to have it removed.  The surgery went fine but the night following the surgery Kroner got a blood clot and passed away.


I strongly suggest that you make sure that any clothing is not in reach of your dog.  Think of your dog as an infant - you would make sure that it could not get anything harmful, do the same for your dog.  (How is she getting them out of the washing machine or dryer?)


Sorry if this sounds harsh but it is up to us to protect our pets!!!! 

I know how important it is to keep clothing out of reach.. but a 22 year old that persists in leaving doors open and says I was just going back in is no match for this dog on a mission!  I had a setter that used to take clothes off the washing line for a little while when she was a pup but I managed to cure her... Bella seems much more intelligent and lies in wait pretending to be asleep until she seizes her opportunity.  I appreciate your concerns though about blockages, hence I asked for suggestions to cure this.  I realise she is after all only 5 months old and is very much the puppy - wish my daughter realised the same!


Perhaps your daughter needs a wake up call.


Have her read this post and browse through the post there.;article=9619...


Maybe then she will close the door and do what ever it takes to keep your puppy safe.  I also would make your daughter pay for the replacing of her clothing, that might be the incentive to be more careful.


As I see it you have a few choices.  Your first concern should be for the safety of this puppy. 

I know this is a serious issue but I had to laugh at the image of Bella pretending to be asleep while waiting for her opportunity!!! What a little smarty!!

I think you need to make it a rule that no clothing is left on the floor, everything goes in a closed hamper, keep the washer door closed as well as the dryer door closed when there are items inside.  Fold immediately once you transfer clothing from dryer to basket and put away immediately.  But I agree...leave it is a huge command and once learned works very well.  We use Leave It and Drop in a very firm voice.  Gracie Doodle has learned the tone of my voice and when I mean business she knows!!!  Good Luck!  PS  sounds like the 22 year old needs some training.  Let her pay to replace the undies/bras she drops around or doesn't close the doors to the machines.  After spending a few $$ of her own money she will have greater respect for her clothing and YOUR bankbook!  Been there done that!!!  Consequences is the name of the game!

It sounds like Bella needs training or reinforcement of the basic obedience commands. Especially the "come" command. Has Bella had any obedience training yet?  She need to respect you as the leader of the household. Right now it sounds like she is kind of running the show! I know how easy it is for this to happen with our smart doodles! 

When Tara was younger there was a period of time when I kept her leashed and with me most of the time in the house so I was always able to instruct her in each situation where a certain behavior was desired from her.  So on wash day perhaps you need to keep her tethered to your side and work with her in the laundry area teaching her to " leave it".  Reward her when she chooses the correct behavior-let her know how great she is!

I suggest that you join our Training group here on DK too. There are many people who have experienced this same problem with their doods to you are not alone!

Thanks so much for your advice - will certainly consider leashing her on wash day.  She has achieved basic commands such as come and sit and stay along with 'here' while out walking on lead so she doesn't pull.  Unfortunately all commands leave her when she gets the idea to run with said undies... she just seems to forget everything.  Will definately join Training group.  Unfortunately i have looked into training groups here in Ireland (Wexford in particular) but they are few and far between.  I have always had dogs and have felt I was in control all the time but bella is a first where determination is concerned! 

I was just reminded of another DK'er that had this problem recently with her doodle who is also named Bella!  She set up training opportunities for Bella BEFORE there was a problem. At first she would put a sock in the living room and walk Bella past it, I think on a leash, training her the "leave it" command. Eventually she would leave a sock out and let Bella walk past it unleashed but always supervised. The last I heard, Bella was doing very well at ignoring the sock even when no one was in the room. You might ask her about her training method and it may be worthwhile just working on this with your Bella a little everyday instead of waiting for wash day.  Save some torn up underwear and use them in the dryer as a training tool.

Here is a link to Sue's page. She could explain her training method in more detail.

It's a pretty simple thing to just keep the washer and dryer closed. No reason for either to be open when you are not actually using them.  I would make it clear to my adult daughter that she must close the machines, period. Problem solved.

PS: Perhaps it would help your DD remember to close the machines if she was the one who had the expense of replacing her own underwear. :)


In fairness to my daughter we haven't had a puppy in over 16 years which was the age of my last dog, Bonnie who sady passed away.  I suppose it will take time to take the antics and repercussions on board.  Thanks for your comments though.



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