Are there other people out there who might be interested in e-mail cards? There are some great programs for sharing and making cards. If you are interested, just let me know, but do not post your e-mail address. If there are enough people interested, we can get a list together that is not visible to everyone.
I am very interested. I too wanted to do the card exchange, but I have been reviewing the cost involved and on my budget e-cards are a much better fit.
Permalink Reply by L.M. on November 11, 2010 at 1:26pm
I am interested as well! I was so excited to do the regular exchange, but opted out of signing up because of the cost. My husband is a newly unemployed teacher so we are on a tight budget. This is a great alternative!
Thank you Lynda for starting much as we all enjoyed the cards that first year, last year my husband was out of work so we didn't participate....this year we can't participate because we are trying to pay off Beemer's new sign us up....we would love to participate.....and thanks again....
I am compiling a list of the people (pups) who are interested in sending e-mail cards. If I missed you and you are interested, please send your e-mail address to me at and I will include you in the list. There were not enough people interested to have a group on DK.