Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm looking for any information you may have on using a Holistic Veterinarian. Have you used one? Do you use that Vet exclusively? What have you learned or what do you do differently now that you are using a Holistic Vet?

I'm looking at going back to basics with my dog (and cats) because I am really fed up with the issues that seem to keep coming up. I am home cooking now and may look to moving to raw - so much information out there and of course everyone has opinions so what I need your help on is real experiences. I do have 2 wonderful Vets at the practise I go to but they are traditional. They respect my opinion on things I want to try but do not agree. As far as food goes, they both tell me they are not nutrionists so while they don't agree with me feeding home cooked they support me and agree that Hudson is very healthy (other than seizures which started a couple of months ago).

I need my Doodle friends and their expertise!!

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I tried looking for animal nutrition (specifically geared for companion animals) courses in universities in my state...not much to be found. I thought it might be a fun extra degree to get since I have plenty of nutrition background to move on over to the canine side. But nothing real indepth and geared primarily to canines. I even discovered a Registered Dietitian actually works for Purina (I think that was it) and I left him a voice mail wanting to know more about his transition but NEVER heard back :-( So I kinda gave up that avenue...

Yeah I just want EVIDENCE-based vet care...I don't care if the evidence points to some things being better 'natural' or long as there is good scientific research to back it up. Not that I have time to research every vet recommendation, but in general I trust traditional vets to have that backing more...blind trust I know...but what can I say? I'm of a traditional western mindset when it comes to medical care.
The true canine nutrition specialists with whom I am familiar, like Marion Nestle, have PhDs in human nutrition. I guess at that level, you can do your own research, lol.
Right. I love Marion's books on human nutrition =)
"blind trust I know...but what can I say? I'm of a traditional western mindset when it comes to medical care."
What can you call it other than "blind trust' when people read some of this junk science on the RAW websites? "Lamb is a 'hot' food, RAW foods strengthen the immune system", blah, blah. It makes absolutely no sense at all to anyone who has taken even an introductory level college course in basic physiology or any natural science, and there is never ever any scientific data presented to back it up. Most of it defies logic. I like science; it's logical. One plus one always equals two. I'd rather put my blind trust in something that has some impartial statistical evidence or peer-reviewed studies to back it up.
What can I say? I'm a doctor's daughter. My name is listed in an old edition of "Who's Who in American Medicine". (my Dad's listing, personal info, lol) I was born believing in Western medicine.
I agree with all that Yet, I didn't believe it at first when they said ulcers were caused by a bacteria. We were taught many things that later proved untrue. Science does change medicine and medical beliefs slowly. I even remember when we "had' a different number of chromosomes! but there is sooo much garbage out there on eating this food with that, at what time of day etc. Also, many "holistic, natural, raw" and other trends are led by very charismatic people and there are many others who are looking for a miracle.
Science doesn't change...our (scientists') knowledge merely increases with more research and new technology. But as long as docs and scientists stick to the scientific method...I'm happy. You can only be responsible for what you know.
Garbage on the Web is so true. And walk into a Pet Food store that specializes in RAW - OH MY GOD!! I didn't think I was going to get out of there alive. I was researching - wanted to talk to them, get some more information, look at what they had for Dog Treats etc. Well, clearly by not signing up and getting my free kit of food I was killing my dog - scare tactics - now that's going to impress me NOT!! One of the conversations I got into with her was about the information on the Web. She kept telling me I had to do more research - and I would say yes, that is what I am doing and one of the reasons I was there. She would say - just google this or just google that. Well - when I did do that, I didn't see any real white papers or published evidence of how great RAW was - so I'm staying with home cooking, my animal nutritionist (who was trained at the Universtiy of Guelph here in Ontario - this is one of our Veterinary Schools) and my vet who is a DVM!!.
Isn't it the most frustrating thing? They keep telling you to research it, and when you try, all you find is their websites with the same Billingsley stuff. When you ask a question, they quote their own website. It's like a big circle. There is NO impartial info on it anywhere, just what Billingsley says.
I wish I had found this about 4 days ago before my puppies first appointment. Our vet was nice but recommended Iams and any brand for Luke to eat. We've studies so much about dog food and this seems very contradictory even to what the posters say in the food group. Thanks for the recommendation about Country Chase, we will probably switch. Thanks!
Unfortunately, vets aren't required to spend a lot of time studying canine nutrition while they're in school. A lot of them are also backed by certain dog food brands, Hills (science diet, ID) especially. It's great that you guys know about good food and that there is a holistic vet in your area. Even if you stick with your first vet, just bypass their food recommendations. Our vet told us Purina was a good food (it's awful), but we stayed with them because they are really a great vet and we just tell them about the good food we're feeding Timbow. You and Matt are geniuses though, so either way you'll be set. :) By the way..JOIN THE FOOD GROUP!
Sally, I am just noticing your question here from Oct. and I am so sorry I haven;t gotten back to you sooner. My vet in Florida was Dr. Katz, at the Stuart Animal Hospital, 3001 N. Federal Hwy, Stuart Fl. 34996.

I hope this is better late than never and he is close enough to you to use him. He has been there for about 20 yrs. Just hired a younger, newer vet, who was very informative as well, but had a few opinions I wasn;t as sure about. But it really pays to do your homework and know how you feel about things before seeing anyone. I have had some very interesting conversations with many vets (traveling) and have learned something from them all, but never everything from one. Most of my knowledge comes from DK, Food Group especially and books. But I just have one of those enquirering minds.



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