Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do you have a Hot Doodle?  

Id love to know how many cant take the heat...Even Mild heat. 


I have owned 3 black dogs & none of them were anything like Trixie.   And she has white fur!


Today we went for a walk It was 65 with a nice cool breeze.  granted it was Sunny.  We were walking on a sidewalk...Trixie the Little smarty stopped walking everytime we were in the shade of a tree...She didnt sit...As she knows I like to keep walking on a walk...She just stopped & stood at every shade tree!  it was rather funny.


When we got home She raced to the cool tile & water dish.


We put a fan on her- about 2 feet away & she got up & sat right in front of the fan!


She is also one of the Doodles whos Paws Sweat.


What will she do when it is 70, 80 & 90!


We bought a pool for her for the summer...Of course she is only 4 months old...So we dont know if she loves water yet...But if it cools her off- I cant imagine her not liking it.


We are planning on taking her to our Memorial day picnic on is supposed to get to 78. (we have only hit 80 here once this year)



Its just so wierd to me

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I want to get a pool for our doodle too...but so far, she hates water (shes 5 months). My brother has a boston "terror" ;) and that dog LOVESSSS the little pool he got for her. That crazy dog will actually swim UNDER WATER. The first time he told me that I didn't believe him, so he sent me a video. No lie, she would go under the water, you could see the bubbles coming from her nose, and swim around...crazy mutt.
I want our doodle to love water too...b/c there are lots of nice ponds, lakes and rivers we visit.

We also have a problem keeping our Molly doodle cool. She gets so hot, she will actually lay on the floor vents....I'm still trying to come up with ways to cool her off...because, sadly for her, this week was in the 90's and it's only suppose to get hotter :-(
Myla is like this on walks too! She has a lot of hair but the groomer told us that the hair doesn't matter, it's the nose and paws that get warm? Is this true??? She acted like it was 100 degrees out and it was like 76 so we went home.
I know Trixies Paws get very Hot to the touch.  Her belly always feels nice & warm too.
It's funny because the heat doesn't bother Guinness (my mini) at all, but Murphy (the big guy) hates it.  It hasn't been that hot here yet (low 80's), but already he's minding it.  I normally wait until it gets really warm to turn on the air conditioning, because I love being opened up, but I think this year we'll have the air on early for Murph.

Im not a fan of the AC & Usually only turn it on if its really Hot & or Humid.  I too love to have my Windows open to get fresh air & the sounds of summer.   I think Trixie will have to just plant herself infront of fans most of the summer. 

Although I really dont like fans blowing directly on my Dogs- I always feel it will make them sick (since I get a sore throat if a fan is blowing on me all night)

Usually When Jake gets hot I give him a peice of ice to keep him warm

I would love to get a pool for Darwin. Something tells me that even a little pool wouldn't fit on our little apartment balcony though. :-)

We bought one of these cool vests for our lucy, who is black.  She hates the heat but this really helps us be able to take her places in the summer time.,+dogs&oe=utf...

That vest looks nice.  So how does it work?  How long do you have to Soak it? in water before use?    How long does it seem to stay/keep Lucy cool for?


Does it stay dry on the outside?  So it doesnt get all muddy when they wear it?

if we r going somewhere i will fill a rubbermaid container with ice water and put the vest n it.  by the time we get there it is plenty cool.  i ring it out a little and put it on her.  it does drip a little but she doesnt get soaked or anything.   It has always stayed good for as long as i needed it, but you can always just resoak in water.  doesnt take long.  ive never put it on her to run and play in the back yard.  out there if it is real hot they have their little pool
they also make them like a bandana where there is the gel stuff in the part that goes around the neck that helps keep them cooler.
Thanks for sharing how the vest works.  It sounds like a good cooling device.



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