Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think I'll milk this a little longer. What's your verdict on the next batch?

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The only one that could possibly be a PWD is number 6. PWDs aren't found in solid white. In conformation, more than 30% of the coat being white is a disqualification, so you don't find too many people looking to breed toward solid white coated PWDs.
May I ask why you are so interested in the physical differences between PWDs and doodles?
Yes, I know the breed standard. However, you will be hard to pressed to find someone who is actually breeding solid white Porties.
May I ask again, why the interest?
I adopted Yankee from the local shelter in 2008. He was 43 lbs. and had mange around his eyes and sores on his body.
At that time my Pryusky, Pearl, was 55 lbs. She too had mange when I adopted her. I fed them well as mange is exacerbated by poor nutrition.
She is now 86lbs. and he is 85lbs. I noticed his weight was getting up there last summer. I’ve been feeding him enough for a 60 lb. dog.
I’m not sure if he is a Labradoodle or PWD. He is 22” at the withers.
His tail is approx 14” long. It is a normal thickness from the base up to 4 and 3/4” then thins dramatically. At first I thought that someone may have tried to dock it.
Checking lineage is not an option.
He is a really sweet spirit. I’d like to keep him healthy.
I lost my other dogs in 2007. I had them for seven years and they went missing after an auto/18 wheeler accident.
I’ve adopted three dogs since then.
I'm very sorry to hear about your other dogs. Do you have a photo of Yankee that we could see?
I don't think even the most overweight PWD in the world could ever hit 80 lbs. and still be able to move. I know quite a few of them, and they are small boned dogs, rarely even hitting 60 lbs. PWDs are also extremely rare in rescue, and almost nonexistent in shelters. The breed clubs do an excellent job of protecting their own.
If you click on the little camera button above the text box in which you type, you can embed the photos into your post like this:

Then it's easier to compare side by side.
What happened to part 1?
It's there.
It had disappeared. Odd.
I think all of those are PWD's.
If you are looking for doodle - especially ALD - look alikes, check out the Lagotto Romagnolo. Since all dogs have a common ancestor, maybe crossing lab, golden with poodle is actually a sort of back breed to more recent ancestor!



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