Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone ever curious about how many DK Doodles there are? I was just looking at the number of members, 8,281 and thinking that could easily mean over 10,000 doodles! WOW! So many of us have at least 2, that could be well over 10k, just mind boggling I think.

Just a random thought everyone, no real point to the story.


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Laurie, this is very suspiciously sounding like "brown nosing" to me.  Are you suggesting that Adina only picks those who are on her good side !!!!  Tisk, tisk. good for us we know better. Only the cutest of doodles will make the calender and your two have an excellent chance. But the babysitting for the cruise will make her laugh I bet.
Sue, I have never been above brown nosing offering to help for a good cause. LOL Thank you for saying my two have a chance.
I am shocked by this blatant currying of favor. This is meant to be an HONEST competition.
Some of us will just stoop to any level for our doodles!!! But it would have been a good cause IF Adina was bringing the kids. I give her more credit than this and do believe it is the most honest of competitions.  (Are you listening Adina? Do I get any brownie points for that?)
I am hoping she is asleep and doesn't see this blatant currying of favor by Sue. LOL I do think being on DK is making me smarter :) I was just offering my babysitting services in an honest attempt to help a young mother out :)
Yes, I agree. I don't think I would have known how to use the word "currying" if I wasn't on DK. Had to go look it up. :)
Ha, maybe I already offered to have her drop off the kids in NJ for the cruise. Seriously, I thought she was taking them.
I thought she was taking them too. You have a very good plan if she is not bringing them.
F, You know I don't know about pixels, sizes, Picasa, or Photoshop. I am thinking about sending a Fruit Basket.....what do you think?? Does anyone know if Adina likes kiwis? LOL

I'm with you Laurie, if it requires a pixel,Picasa or Photoshop there's not a snowball chance in h--l that it will come out of my camera, computer or imagination.

I was thinking of baking some organic granola or sending a rare cactus from Az. Not too flamboyant is it? Fruit Basket, she'd love that, being all healthy and nutritiously balance and all.

Sue, If we went in on the basket together, we could afford to send a really good one.....LOL!! I do think your ideas would work too. We are just being friendly :)
Really Laurie, Would a married woman with 2 kids admit to liking those cute guys from New Zealand? I think you may have gone too far!



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