Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
According to Dr. Stanley Coren, Dogs understand up to 160 words
Gavin understands a dozen or more commands (words which we have "taught" him) but he has picked up several more. We have made it a habit not to "label" exciting activities, as we have met other dogs who go ballistic when they hear the word "walk" which is often shortened to "W" so as not to illicit ballistic response. However, Gavin has picked up on what walk means simply by eavesdropping on conversations between DH and I and making the connection. For example "I am going to take Gavin for a walk now." We are okay with this because he clearly indicates understanding by cocking his head or wagging his tail, without going ballistic. Likewise he understands the meaning of "ball", "eat", "final pee (just before bed)" and several others words and phrases. But his all time favorite thing is his doodle bff Mylie (and he certainly know her name)
You will also notice his response to his release word "ok" :)
I consider Gavin to be middle of the road in the intelligence department. I would love to hear what other doodles know.
LOL I trained my old cat to be vacuumed too. I had allergies to him and this was the best way to keep the hair and dander to a minimum. When I brought the vacuum out he would stretch out on the floor and wait for his treatment.
Thanks Pat. Trav not only know what the antler is, but where it is kept...well that is pretty smart. The vacuum game sounds fun - I have to make Gavin move out of the way to vacuum or just go around him.
Charlie has the usual commands, and....
He also likes it when I say we're going to Home Depot (head cock!), when I mention playing Frisbee outside, as well as eating turkey (!). Thankfully, none of these involve going ballistic, but it's interesting to see him respond- I'm sure it's a learned cue from me, but it's cute.
The only thing that really causes a ruckus is a large stuffed version we have of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Mention Rudolph and we have a doodle bombing down the stairs, suddenly remembering Rudolph is sitting on a perch in the living room. He is pretty convinced Rudolph is alive and wrestles with him.
Hey Julie, my husband cocks his head too when I say we are going to Home Depot LOL.
Oh Gavin... I love the head tilt! I don't know how many words Finnegan knows but more than I think, I'm sure. I have to spell the word "walk." His girlfriend is "Annie." Head tilt! If I say use a sentence with the word, "bed", he goes around the house looking for where he left his blanket so that he can bring it upstairs with him. If I scold our kitty, Song, he comes running to bark his disapproval at her too. You doodles are way too smart. Sometimes if we have a training issue, I literally sit him down and have a heart to heart. You'd be surprised at how many times that works -and I have no explanation for it :)
Thanks Cheryl!. Love the idea of the heart to heart. Would love to see a video of that ;)
Gavin! too cute.
Quincy responds to "go Bye bye" by running down the stairs and sitting on the couch waiting for his collar. He knows a bunch of other words, too (the usual, sit, stay,down, etc). I am trying to teach him "camp" for the days we take him and he def knows "kong". My Dh says he knows "Mommy's coming" when he tells him my car is coming up the drive. you would think the dog would hear the car coming up a 50 foot drive, but, he is still (in my heart) the smartest doodle dog!
Thanks Lori. When we put on Gavin's harness, he seems to know there is a chance we are going to the cottage (a 3.5 hour drive) and he runs to his spot and has a good long pee to prepare for the trip.
Luna knows lots of words! She also knows some specific household sounds (the sound of specific snacks that DH usually gives her a small piece of like dried mango... her dog food bag, the recliner having its feet put up). She also knows that when I put on the baby carrier and put on my coat we are going for a walk! She was very disappointed yesterday when I was going to the store so she couldn't join us :p She is very observant and one of her nicknames is "curious george" :)
Words (other than commands) -bath,dinner, food, hungry, treat (can you tell what Luna's favorite activity is? lol), car, toy... mommy, daddy... I'm sure I'm missing others.
Luna is such a sweetheart. I am sure she love to go walking with you and her baby (human) sister. p.s. did you guys get the ice storm today?
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