Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

hello all... first off is a UTI and a bladder infection the same thing? also I have been noticing Midas urine has a very strong smell.. not like regular urine either..i cant really explain it.. even my sister who has 3 dogs says Midas pee stinks.. he drinks TONS of water, always has..he is very active.. so I would think his urine should be pretty diluted, but it really smells.. he doesn't cry when he pees on anything, no vomiting, no appetite changes, no strange behavior either.. how can I tell if he has UTI or bladder does the vet diagnose and what is the treatment? thanks in advance xoxo

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Chelsea, it's fairly simple. Just take a urine sample to the vet!
You don't need a grand amount, just a small sample.
Midstream, catch as much as you can with a soup laddle and place the fluid in a clean ( preferably never used) conatainer with lid.
You may want to introduce the laddle a few times before you attempt to obtain the urine sample.
Let him sniff it, hold it casually for awhile, etc. this way you won't frighten him when you try to get the sample.
It's rare for males to have UTIs but a urinalysis can't hurt, so have one run

thank you! hmm ok so I wonder why it would smell..maybe he doesn't have one.. Thursday is my vet appointment

Joanne: remind me to never eat soup at your house. ;).

bahaha, Ro! 


Me either!  Very funny, Ro.


With my girls I always know because they are squatting a bunch of times when they go out and there is very little pee.  Like they feel like they always have to go.  Or, there could also be an accident in the house when they are completely house broke.  As far as smell, the first thing that comes to mind for me is what are you feeding?  Could that come through in the urine?  I'm not quite sure.  Hopefully someone else can address that.  As far for how it is diagnosed, you just catch a stream of the urine and take it to the Vet in a small container.  Don't have to take the dog.  As far as catching it you can use a ladel or a small container.  Just take him out to pee and when he squats, stick it under.  Isn't as hard as it seems.  You don't need very much for them to test.  Hopefully it is nothing, but it's an easy fix if that is the problem.

thanks! he pees a lot... big streams, because he drinks so much...I feed orijen food like to know if it could be the food

Many things can make urine smell including bladder infections. Metabolic diseases can cause different odors in urine as well as certain foods. In humans asparagus is notorious for this in some, but not all, people.
Actually all people's pee smells after eating asaragus however, not all people can smell it! As for the dog, I have been a little concerned with the smell of my doodle's pee too. It just smells strong and he eats Acana. Maybe I need to call the vet too!
Just read up on that. Apparently there is new thinking, along the lines of what you said since I last read about it : )



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