Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We brought home 8 week old Oliver on Sunday, so he has only been with us for a few days.

Yesterday he started attempting to hump my leg. He's learning very quickly what "NO" and an accompanying tug from his leash means, so much so that if he grabs something bad to chew on and I say "NO" he will drop whatever it is right away.

Today the attempting to hump has continued, however, he now whimpers a little bit before he tries to mount my leg.... He stops immediately when I say NO and give him a little tug, but I'm wondering why he is doing this...and why the whimper as well?

Apparently there are two schools of thought to this: 1) he's too excited and attempting to release it the easiest way possible, or 2) he's trying to dominate me. I know it's normal for puppies to do this to each other, but how do I properly keep him from doing this to ME? Does it depend on the reason behind him doing it in the first place?

He has not done this to my husband (who has not had a lot of alone time with him; I'm usually the one spending all of my time with him), and he has not tried to do this to our 7 year old female chihuahua. Any info or advice as to what to do would be appreciated!

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I have nothing to add that will help, except that starting yesterday, Toby is doing this to me. I know it's a dominance thing, because he doesn't do it to any of the guys in the house. I shake him off and say "NO'. He usually just comes back again. He also nips me more than anyone else. I'm not sure how to properly exert my dominance, but I know it needs to happen soon. He is 13 1/2 weeks old now. Some days.......I just can't wait for the day to be over.
When he humps or nips turn him over on his back, hold his mouth closed and hold him there and say "NO" assertively and in a low tone...not shrieking...just say it firmly....
That does not work with all people or all pups. When Rosco was in HIS monster age as a pup...I TRIED to hold him on his back for ten minutes and he struggled THE WHOLE time occasionally catching me with his teeth even like that (I was kneeling with his body between my legs and both hands on him and he gave me one hard core fight).

It was a useless power struggle and I did not win. Unless you already KNOW you'll win and have NO trepidation those kinds of physical battles usually don't end up helping. Another example: Cesar Milan KNOWS he's gonna win and has NO moment of he can do what he does. Others...better NOT try to mimic him on his tough jobs.
I think Cesar Milan is a full of "you know what" no really!..I do!...)..He' s over branded himself ad nauseum!..Do we really need to spend 12.95 on Cesar Milan bottled water for dogs???!!??.....I prefer Victoria Stillwell but even she gets on my nerves....Blake would struggle in the beginning when I was training him..I would just throw my whole body on him and hold him down as I'm built like brick S**t you are a beautiful "petite flower" Adina...: )
LOL--to all of the above! Cesar is a bit full of himself, but I think it works for him.
Can I start a discussion called "Cesar Milan is a full of "you know what" Narcissist"?
Rosco it did it for short time early on but it did not last. I think what you're doing sounds right on.
I don't think it matters why a dog humps... The same response is warranted in my opinion.
Payton is a humper, not people but all other animals. We would spray him with a squirt gun and say Off. It worked.Now when he is about to hump we say Payton off and he usually stops dead in his tracks.
Payton is a play Police,if my sisters dogs are here and they are playing with Jordan, that is when he will hump.He wants them to stop playing (we think).It has gotten to the point where the other 3 dogs completely ignore him when he humps on them.They will just continue playing.
Poor Payton...he tries to be dominate but gets no respect.
I asked my vet about this bc my Oliver did it when he was little (not so much any more- thank God!). But my vet told me that the dog is just playing. They don't really know what "humping" is yet at that age. They don't even have that much testerone to cause them to want to hump.

Maybe he's just playing with you... just a thought =)
I agree...I think it is so automatic that they aren't thinking about "humping" or consciously even dominating anybody (though it may mean something about dominance without the dog knowing). That's why it doesn't even matter what the cause just needs to be stopped consistently until the dog catches on "Oh yeah...Momma doesn't like it when I do this and when Momma ain't happy...NO-DOODLE is happy!"
Yeah...I kinda figured he was just playing. How come he cries before he tries? He never fully humps my leg because I give him the look and say no and yank his leash so he's pretty much down as fast as he tried to jump up...
Who knows? Excitement would be my guess...uncontrollable urge to hump? LOL



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