Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just brought Hurley home :) he is whining and crying laying next to me...he will stop when I put my hands on him then he will fall asleep.....
The surgery went well. Dr. Marti said that Hurleys left eye is lower than his right eye. He said that there was too much access skin that was brought down during surgery, he said that next month, when Hurley goes in for his next surgery he will lift up the skin from his left eye.
Hurley looks better than yesterday I think...I know this is going to be a challenge. He was already fighting me at the office to get the cone off him. We can't risk him getting to these stiches. He will have them removed in about 10 days.
Hurley is on painkillers and sedatives along with his antibotics. I am hoping with these he will remain calm and not go crazy with the cone on his head.
I am so happy he is home and that the cysts between his eyes are gone!! No more rupturing and oozing from them again!! Now,I am going to get my beautiful boy healed up and with all the prayers all over the world for him I just know he is going to heal quickly!!!
This was the biggest out of the two surgeries. The next one next month won't be like this surgery was. He will have the cysts removed on top and have the skin lifted above his left eye...
We are going to get through day at a time....!!
Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, advice, donations and love for Hurley...
You have helped to save my dog......

Thank you!!

Regina and Hurley

I posted a picture of Hurley in his photo page...can someone paste it on this discussion? Thank you!!

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Yeh! So happy for Hurley and your family.

The next few days might be rougher for you than Hurley - lol - hang in there, we are thinking of you!!

Yay, what great news!  Keep us posted on his recovery.

So happy to hear from you, Regina! I am so glad Hurley is home with you now.  I know the collar is a drag, and hopefully he will adjust okay to that.  Looking forward to a full recovery!

Thank you for letting us know. Keeping our paws crossed for a speedy recovery. Hang in there.

Hugs to Hurley.

So happy he is home.  Hugs to you all.  I hope he will tollerate the cone.  I know how much they all hate it

Terrific news!  So glad Hurley is home with you!  I am sure you are a comfort to him!  With your love and care he will up and playing again soon!

Wonderful news! Like you said, one day at a time, this too shall pass.  Best healing wishes coming your way!  

Hurley is a brave boy and you are such a good doodle mommy. Poor little guy. He looks (on FB) so sleepy. Hugs to him.

Hurley after surgery....Here's your pic. I am so glad that Hurley has had is first surgery and is back home to get loved on. He'll be back to his beautiful self in no time.

Thank you!!



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