Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hurley woke up last night around 4 am whining...his painkiller wore off so I gave him some more....
He has been sleeping a lot today, I think his body needs a lot of sleep so he can heal...
He has been eating good and going to the bathroom...great sign!!
We took him afternoon to Skinny DIP and the owners gave him a free Doggie DIP and some to take sweet...! Hurley ate that right up!! I promised him he would get it...! I got to see him come out of his "quietness"..he wagged his tail and started licking his lips....he was so happy. It felt good to see him happy...

I know he doesn't understand what is going on..he looks at me with trust though. I tell him he is going to be just fine...I know he can sense that he will be alright, because of my actions and how I talk to him. Dogs are so amazely smart. They feed off of us and we react. I am letting Hurley know this is a good thing...this surgery is going to let him live a long life....!! CYST free...yeah :)

Thank you all for praying for him...he has a lot of people who love and care for him...this is what is going to get him healed up and ready for surgery #2 and then a lifetime of living to do!!

Doodle Kisses,

Regina and Hurley

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Glad to hear Hurley enjoyed a delicious treat. :-) He may be extra sleepy from the pain meds as well. I'm sure it's good for him to get all that rest. I hope with each new day he begins acting more and more like his ol' self again.

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Regina, I've been away for a week and I'm just now catching up with DK.  I'm so relieved to hear that this surgery is behind you and that everything went okay.  I'm sure this must be such a difficult time for both of's so sad to watch them in pain.  Here's hoping that he continues to improve and is back to himself real soon.

Regina, thanks for the GOOD news! I am so glad to hear that Hurley is on the road to recovery. Poor baby, I know he doesn't understand what's going on, but, like you said, I'm sure he trusts you so that is what counts! Keep that yogurt coming!

Glad to hear Hurley's doing well!

Keep up the good fight Hurley and family!  Hugs.

Weekend tomorrow and then you are in a countdown to finishing one week of recovery. Lots of hugs. Next week will be easier.



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