Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This breeder sold me a sick puppy.
Let me tell you the whole story. I am so mad - I might be mispelling things.
So - We traveled 3 hours to pick up this puppy.
When we got there - she had all the puppies out in a little playpen - if front of her house.
Now - I made sure (as much as one is able) to read as much as I can from here and other websites about all the breeders b/c I didn;t want - what exactly happened to me.
I thought that I did my homework pretty well. I didn't pick the breeders that had puppies for Way cheaper - b/c I didn't hear anything good/or bad about them. I went with a slightly more expensive price - but a breeder that people here wrote good things about. I went to their groups and read as much as I can etc..
So - here I am thinking that - I really did my part in ensuring that I get a healthy pup.
(of course there is no guarantee - but I felt that I did my part)
So - while I am looking at the pups. a couple of the pups in the playpen poops. they had very stinky diarrhea. I sort of looked at the breeder and she told me that she just gave the pups some worm medicine and that causes that. So - here i am - I don't know - what caused puppies to have diarrhea.
so before I left - she gave me a little packet with white pills in it. she said that her vet tells her to give it to the buyers - so that when the pups have diarrhea from the stress of going to a new home - I can give it to him. uhhh. a little confusion - b/c no one here said anything about this. but again - I didn;t know.
I picked out a pup and he did very well in the car.
So - we got home he didn't go to the bathroom for another couple of hours. So finally he poops - its definetly very soft. didn't think much of it = b/c she told me about the medicine. so then during the night he has diarrhea in his crate. then again - in the bath yard. then he has another one in the house - but this time there is a little blood in it.
So - now I'm freaking out. I checked out the little packet and it says - it is metronidazole. so i looked it up and -= it said its for clearing up infections and parasites.
I emailed the seller - she didn't get back to me for a whole day. She says - that blood in the stool means giardia and that we need to give her the pills and have the vet do a fecal test.
I did start him in the medicine - and he actually didn't have any blood stool after that. and he seems a little more energetic. but still he seems a little lethargic. and hasn't been going to the bathroom regularily
I don't know - what I am feeling right now. I am so mad that - I traveled hours, paid hundreds of dollars for a sick puppy. But I think also - I am so mad - is that she obviously knew that the pups were sick - but she didn't tell me and was passing it off as stress.
can someone - help me with this. I am so upset.
I think I'm in some weird shock.
I have read that if the mother is a giardia carrier, then the pups can/will be born with it. Possibly stress will exacerbate the congenital guiardia? Just asking what you think.
When we got Daisy she had hookworm - it took 3 treatments and visits to clear The third round of the panacur finally got rid of it...the sample prior had one egg - ugh. I wish I had thought to send the bills to the breeder, it never even occurred to me. Daisy never had runny or bloody stools, we just took her to the vet 2 days after we picked her up to make sure she was healthy or didn't need anything and took a sample with us.
What is you puppy's name by the way, we can't wait to hear the good things.
Anna, A good breeder should absolutely be willing to take back a dog and willing to find it another home. A good breeder should care about the dogs they breed and pups they sale. This is a far better option than for the owner to dump the dog in a kill shelter or sell it to some idiot on Craigslist. Sometimes, life happens and someone cannot keep their dog for many different reasons and the breeder should always be willing to help.
This probably says it better than I did, but it comes from the What to Look for in a Breeder under the Help section on DK!
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