Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This made me smile today and shows the loyalty between man and dog :) Enjoy! I also think this is what would happen in our household if one of us was away for an extended period of time. We would walk in and greet the dogs FIRST! Nothing personal, John and Hayley, but get out of my way. I want to hug Fudge and Vern :) LOL|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D388811


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This did make me smile ! I was so happy for him. You just have to wonder what he was thinking when he saw him. Yup, I loved it !

Thanks for posting this Laurie. So sweet. :)

They never forget : )

Very sweet! Enjoy the cruise,  we will miss you!!

Love it!

Love it!  Have fun on the cruise!

Big smiles!

Love it and I even liked the ad.  I usually click off the ads but this one I watched.

Reminds me of my airedale that I had when I was first out of college.  She did everything with me but when I left to go to the Peace Corps in Brazil, I gave her to some family friends.  The girls had been with me when I picked her out of the litter, so they had also known her her whole life.  I knew she would be fine with them and they would be fine with her.  Two years later, when I returned from Brazil, I went to their house and knocked on the door.  Scampi was barking loudly inside, but then they opened the door, she stopped, looked at me, smelled me, and then jumped up onto my neck.  She kissed and kissed me (licks actually) but it was very obvious she knew who I was - her mommy.  Nice memories.

Are you out cruisin again??

Thanks all. I am trying to keep up with everything and still cook gourmet meals for John. LOL If anyone believes that, they have not read any of my blogs :)

Dogs live in the moment but they never ever forget!!!!! Love this!

That was sweet and made me smile too. Murphy greets his daddy like that every night! Hate to think how he'd act if he was gone for months at a time.

I'd like to submit a formal complaint, Laurie.  This did not make me smile as promised in your discussion title.  It made me cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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