Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

And of course there's a story - but it's late and we just got back. But she reminds of what a baby Ava would have looked like, and she needed a home. People really do give up baby puppies because they're baby puppies. She still has her puppy teeth. Of course, it's more complicated than that. There were small dogs in the house who weren't adjusting well to having a big, floppy, shark toothed baby doodle invading. But so far she's so sweet, and she hasn't even played baby shark with me yet. And the girls seem to think the more the merrier.

I know I have more words, but I have no idea what they are right now. I just couldn't wait to share a picture of Mila Rose (name still unconfirmed) 

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Have you thought about Mabel? Mothers Always Bring Extra Love

I have a whole post it note full of potentials! I'm supposed to be narrowing it down and  instead I'm adding more! 

You have a post-it? I have an 8 x 10 notebook. LOL 

Lol! I have a document on my computer filled with girl and boy names.

Me too!!!!!  I came up with a wonderful name to replace Nola - Karen told me that wouldn't ever work. :-}  but I didn't write it down and now I can't think of it .  I am so upset!

I am so happy to introduce - after much much much debate and changing my mind and changing my mind again... Miss Willow! (aka Willa, Willa Dean, Dumplin') It's official because I signed her up for Healthy Paws with that name. ;)

She's already showing signs that she's a very good puppy. She's food motivated and wants to please. She also likes to chew a chewy instead of my leg. She snuggles. I always forget how much I hate the potty training part. The dread of finding that random puddle (with my sock.) But I am really committed to being hyper vigilant and getting this part done as soon as possible. Life is so much better when I don't have to worry so much about puppy pee.

Yesterday I had to work and Willow's grandma came over and let her out. She pooped and pee'd like a big girl and she kept her crate clean. I am also noticing fewer attempts to put her feet on the counter. I know consistency is the key. I just have to remember every single time. That's more about me than the dog! But I'm working on me and having higher expectations. My ultimate goal is to get her and Maggie walking on leash at the same time. I've never managed 2 at once before. Maggie and Katie are a mess. But loose leash walking finally clicked for Maggie and she is such a joy to walk! It's like not walking a dog at all. Sometimes I have to look down to make sure she's still there. I am so glad we put the work in there. She goes for so many more walks because it's enjoyable. I know it will be a lot of work, but I'm committed. We can do it! 

Congrats!  Willow is a cutie and a very lucky girl!

Thank you! We are a very happy family.

How are you discouraging the counter surfing? We try to keep everything out of reach but Riley can get to the entire depth of the counter.  Every once in a while she finds a few crumbs or tries to make off with a fruit and it keeps getting reinforced.

I love the name Willow by the way I think it suits her :)

Thanks, I think she looks like a Willow :)

Counter surfing. I'm not doing anything fancy. I wish I remembered more from psychology. It's like the vending machine analogy. If you put a dollar in a vending machine and you get something you really want. So if you put a dollar in there and nothing happens you think, well maybe I just need to try again because I got something really rewarding. And you do it over and over thinking maybe this is the time I'll get the candy. And if nothing ever happens that behavior will extinguish. But if the good thing happens again, even once, you will continue to try and try. 

So the theory is that nothing good must ever come from putting her paws on the counter. I tell her off, and physically remove her feet if she doesn't do it herself. Then when she's sitting she gets a treat. Treats only happen when all four feet are on the floor. I'm hoping that she will learn that feet on the floor is the button that gets the treats instead of feet on the counter. Does that make sense? The trick with this is that there must never ever be a reward on the counter. If counter surfing is productive she will continue to do it, knowing that sometimes it works. 

A better analogy is probably playing the lottery - that one time we won $5 keeps us playing (and losing) for far longer than seems reasonable!

Or better yet, a slot machine. And never think for a minute that the person who invented it wasn't aware of Pavlov, lol. 



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