Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
As many of you know, I have three labradoodles and raise pups for a breeder a few times a year--but I have put puppy raising aside for several months now as we prepared to greet our first grandchild! So exciting!!
Sullivan Lee Curler was born on 2/27/17--he kept us waiting 10 long days after his due date---I am now a happy Grandma of one! My husband and I will be staying near my daughter and son-in-law who live about 3 hours from us for the time being. She has a friend who has gone south for the winter and I get to use her lovely house along with my hubby and all three dogs! They love it here!
I will be back to raising pups as of the end of April, so I am going to enjoy these two months as a grandmother.
Here is Sullivan! (It is an old family name from our side) and his mom, my daughter Jen who is the veterinarian. Sullivan had a rough start (pinched umbilical cord and emergency C section) and is lucky to be alive and we are so grateful for this little miracle!
Can't resist adding these--taken yesterday while he dreamt of unending milk supplies!
Congratulations. Sullivan is an adorable newborn. My first grandchild is now 9 weeks old and also was born by a c-section as he was breech. Grandmotherhood is grand!
Congratulations! It is the best thing in the world. I love his name.
Congratulations, Ginny! And welcome to the Grandma Club, lol!
Oh my ~ Sullivan is such a cutie! Congratulations. Looking forward to lots of photos of this sweetie pie.
Sullivan is adorable! Lucky you to be able to be so close by! Being a grandmother is the absolute best! Have fun!!!!
Fantastic news, many congratulations X
Congratulations, so handsome.
Congratulations on your first grandbaby. He is precious. How scary though, glad it all turned out happy. My daughter had it go the other way, which is why there is 4 years between kids. Nice that you are taking the time off and have such a great place to stay. Grand kids are the best. I have 2, they are 8 and 4. The 8yr old is the reason we retired early, sold our house and moved 1,000 miles away. I never had grandparents on either side, so I really wanted to be one for my grand kids. Now I see them several times a week.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that--when we were in the waiting room and knew something was up, I allowed myself to think of that possibility and it is never something anyone should have to sorry.
Thank you. Her loss wasn't from the cord or the c-section. He was born with Hydrops, which they didn't know he had until he was born.
Oh, my--how tragic--I can't imagine how hard that was for you all. For three hours, we did not know what had happened or whether or not he made it (Jen and Matt knew but did not want to explain it all in a text, so we had to wait until they could talk to us in person). It was very hard on everyone.
He certainly is a miracle baby. I'm surprised a nurse or dr didn't come out and talk to you to keep you updated.
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