Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I came home from a long run this morning to find my husband playing with Darwin in the front yard.  So I scooped him up and took a picture since I realized I don't have one with him yet.  Doesn't he just have the cutest face in the world?  Of course, i'm sure we all think that about our pups.

So far he's been a great pup.  Still cries in his crate, but stops quickly and goes to sleep.  He's only had one accident and it was my fault for thinking I had time to get my shoes on before taking him out.  He goes right away once we get outside so that makes potty training pretty easy.

I bought some training treats and started working on "leave it" and "sit", he's really young so I don't know how much he will learn right away, but he seems to sit almost naturally.  I may enroll in a puppy class, but I think we can do a lot of training ourselves.

The only weird thing he does is walk sideways randomly.  I talked to the vet about it and she explained that it's normal for young pups to do this until they develop more muscle coordination.  I don't have much experience with very young dogs so I'll trust her advice.  He so far has a clean bill of health and I hope to keep it that way!


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You are absolutely right, Darwin has one adorable doodle face! Such a cutie. I remember the walking sideways and kind of miss it now that my boys are big. ;o)

It is ridiculous the amount of love I feel for our doodle Remington. And it continues to grow more and more everyday. Enjoy them while they are little. They grow up too fast.

I know what you mean. Just when you think you can't possibly love them anymore you reach a whole new level!

What a cute pup.

Yes, that is one of the cutest faces--love the black pigment of the mouth and nose--makes him even more photogenic. Be sure to enroll in those classes--it is good for Darwin to get out with other dogs and get used to focusing his attention on you even when there are lots of distractions. That is worth its weight in gold.

What a cutie!!

He's adorable, glad you're enjoying him!

He is so cute!  Enjoy!

awwwwwww :) He sounds like a great pup :) 

You've got it!  He is absolutely darling.  Enjoy every minute because they go too fast.

Darwin has such a sweet puppy smile!

He is so, so wonder you love this guy.



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