Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have been researching Australian Labadoodles and can not figure out if a fleece coat is low, high or very high maintenance. On one end of the scale some sites say all they need is to be brushed every two weeks and fully groomed 3 or 4 times a year. While others say they need to be brushed and combed weekly to prevent matting and should be fully groomed very 6 weeks. I would greatly appreciate any input so I can better understand what I may or may not be getting myself into.

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All ALDs do not have the same kind of coat, so it will vary from one to another. But what you have to remember about any coat that doesn't shed is that it keeps growing, all the time, and if it isn't kept brushed and combed, it mats badly and ends up having to be shaved.. So the "low" end estimates are ridiculous, IMO. I don't have an ALD, but I've had many Poodles and one non=shedding Poodle mix over the years, and I can tell you that they all needed brushing and combing twice a week, and I mean brushing and combing down to the skin, and full grooming every 6-8 weeks, or they got so matted they had to be shaved. My current labradoodle sheds like crazy and doesn't need much in the way of grooming at all. That's the choice: low maintenance with shedding, or high maintenance without shedding. 

lol, my favorite line is you are either going to brush it out or sweep it up!  

Lol, yep! 

Oh so true!  Sometimes I wonder if sweeping is the easier of the two!! LOL

I can tell you it's definitely a lot cheaper, lol. 


Thanks for you feedback, Karen. One of the low maintenance sites was an Animal Planet video.

Was that the one that also says that labradoodles don't need much exercise, lol? I think we have a discussion about that show here somewhere. 

Inrush my ALDs about once a month but sometimes do ears and tails in between. I cut out matts that aren't easily brushed. They go to the groomers every two months.

OMG, once a month? And they don;t get matted? 

They get some matts hence ear and tail rushing and spot areas as needed. But a head to paw brushing about once a month.



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