Friday night I was driving home and suddenly didn't feel well. Had a pain in my chest, palpitations and generally felt not quite right. Naturally I got a fright and made a decision that since I was just passing the hospital I should drive right in and get checked out. I'm still here! Had loads of tests. Am hooked up to a monitor. So far all clear but now they have me they are he king everything. It's not the weekend I was expecting but I'm sleeping loads even in a High Dependency Unit where it's busy which leads me to believe that I was pretty exhausted. I've been working hard without a break for weeks. One things for sure I so miss Riley and Boris. I rang home and they are spending lots of time either on my bed or right by the front door. I'm know they are fine and getting their walks ( grooming not so good!)
Good thing is there is WiFi here so have access to the wider world.
Have had every test under the sun! I had an infection and was exhausted plus both my mom and grandfather died In their cars after some episode so I think that a combo of exhaustion and too much caffeine caused the symptoms. My heart is in excellent shape though am having one final artery test tomorrow as my cholesterol is high ( hereditary). Have slept for three days pretty solid between visitors and tests and am going home tomorrow.
Can't wait for those Doodle Kisses
Ps I really want to thank all of you for all your kindness and lovely messages.
I'm reading this late so you should be home by now! Glad to hear all the testing is DONE and it's not too serious. Hope you're enjoying your doodle kisses :)