Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need advice please. My 2 yr old dog squeals VERY HIGH pitched rapid non stop barks in my car.

My dog cannot wait to get in my car-he is excited and wagging. Then he starts barking NON STOP, VERY HIGH PITCHED SHORT BARKS-almost like a sea lion.

The people in cars and on sidewalk can hear him and all look around. Its embarassing-not to mention it is really hurting my ears,

It makes no difference if windows are open or closed.

It makes no difference if radio is on or off.

It makes no difference if I walk him around the block prior to leaving,

I have tried taking him to less fun places. Assuming he is barking cause he knows we are going somewhere fun-like a park or doggie daycare. I have driven him to a parking lot and just sat with him in it-or to the vet and there is no change. He barks the whole time we sit in parking lot.

The problem is getting worse not better. It use to be he would bark first couple of blocks and then quiet down a bit, but now he barks for half an hour if trip is that long.

I have tried talking to him when he barked and I have tried ignoring him. I just do not know what else to do.

Would appreciate any idea.....





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Oh my goodness--that is awful! This is not the best solution, but it seems as if you have tried everything else--sorry if some of you do not like this idea, but I have a bark collar--it gives the dog a funny vibration on their vocal cords after they bark several times--it must be on tight or they don't even feel it. I only use it when Rio or Lyric get carried away on the nice summer days since everyone is out walking and they just keep barking and barking--it is so terrible. They get one little "zap" and they settle down. I would worry a bit thought that it might make your doodle associate the collar with the car ride--but at this point you might need to do something that drastic...

I have trouble with my dogs barking at people when I am driving. It drives me nuts. I bought a child's bike horn and when they barked, I honked :) You can only imagine what we sounded like driving down the road. The honking did scare my one dog and she stopped barking instantly. The other one (who is normally afraid of most everything) did not mind the horn. I have also heard of putting pennies in a can and shaking it when they bark and I am going to try that one next.

I am sorry Laurie, but the visual is just too much to resist...


I was so hoping you would bring up that horn. Can you link that funny blog to this discussion.  I have NEVER been able to get that blog out of my mind. 

Maybe you better not. I don't know if it will help this poor distressed dog owner :(    But, through all my grief with Sweetie, it did make me chuckle.

It did not make it better, but I did laugh.

BAHAHA the bike horn visual is so funny but what a clever idea! I use the pennies in a can- not for barking but basically for anything that's a no no. It works too but now I think I want a horn! haha

Is there any high value treat or toy that he really likes that you could reward him with if he didn't bark? Sitting in the car at home would he be quiet long enough to get a reward? Could you find a place you could stop in every time he barked so the car wouldn't move if he was carrying on? What a difficult problem. Maybe a consultation with a trainer is in order.

Last year, I had a foster dog do this. She was the SWEETEST girl, but the car rides were horrible. I did place her in a fantastic home, but early on after she was adopted,  she ate the leather seats completely out of a brand new BMW: SUV!   UGH  And she would high pitch sequel.  It could make you wreck the car

A dear DK friend helped me get a trainers opinion so we could help her on the way to a forever home. I hope she does not mind me sharing this letter.   No names Please  :)

I will say, she is no better and they just crate her. It is what works best. She just becomes too over stimulated. She needs a calm place for her ride, no visuals.   Now she lays down to sleep. A blanket over the crate, on the floor, covered with a blanket. Just like you do a bird.  This letter saved her life


Hi Joanne,

I talked to our trainer this morning about Sweetie.  He suggested that you first walk her or exercise her in some structured way.  She needs to be calm when you start this exercise.  If the walk is structured so that she is using her brain (heel or loose leash walk) with no smelling or excitement that is the best approach.  Then keep her on the leash and just put her into the car.  He suggested having someone else drive while you get into the back seat with her.  He said at this point it is really important that you are calm and positive.  Be as quiet and matter of fact as you can.  The first time just go around the block.  Put her in a down/stay on the seat....looking out the window at this point will only feed her excitement.  It's like she'll be saying....look at that....I want, look at do I get it.  Way too much stimulation.  You should use a slip lead or some type of collar that will enable you to give a correction (not a harsh correction, just something to let her know that you are disagreeing with what she's doing).  If she tries to get up from her down, correct (verbally at first) and insist that she returns to that position.  She may protest over and over and it may take several days.  What you want is for her to eventually just "give it up" and lie down and be calm.  You are giving her an alternative to her OCD behavior, and that is to lay down and be calm.  The worst thing you can do is give off any energy that you are feeling sorry for her.  You are creating a new possibility for her to be able to ride in a car in a non-stressful, enjoyable way.  This is a good thing.  It's like all good may be difficult, but the end state is worth it.  I hope this helps.  Please keep me posted.

Yes, IMO this is the answer.

Oh gosh I'm sorry! This sounds so stressful. My Bender does this for the first 5 seconds of his walk when we first step out to the porch and that stresses me out icant imagine a whole car ride like that :(. i think you should try the crate idea from Joanne. Good luck!
I know ths isn't an appropriate response, and certainly no help to you, but I can't stop smiling at the images this brings to mind. Dogs squealing, bike horns honking.....I can't get Clarabell the Clown out of my head.

This must be very trying!  I hope that the advice that Joanne provided works.



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