Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I would be completely terrified of her, and would label her a crazed stalker. I would probably request a restraining order on her if she were a person. But, she is a dog, so I love that she does this, and it doesn't bother me one bit - I find it endearing. I think it shows how much she loves me.

But I will be in the kitchen making some food, or near the washer/dryer doing laundry, brushing my hair in the bathroom mirror.... I can always feel that someone is watching me.... And it's always Annie. She will crane her neck over the couch from across the room so she can see me. If I leave her sight behind a wall or barrier, she will move her head so she can watch me. It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing, Annie will either be RIGHT at my side, or watching my every move from wherever she is standing or laying.

I'm sure Annie cannot be the only doodle that does this. Annie is the first (but not last) doodle I've had, and she is also the first dog I've ever had that has to watch my every move or be right by my side. I think this makes her the best dog ever, because she is so loyal to me... But are there any other doodles out there that would be a crazy stalker if they were not a dog?

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It is pretty unusual for Gavin not to be in the same room as the humans.  We were just moving furniture up and down the stairs which was fine.  He continued to snooze lightly on his bed in the living room.  But then, we lingered in the basement for a few minutes to move some things around, down he came to check it out.  It Gavin was a person he would be Mrs. Kravitz the nosey neighbour.

Haha, so funny! At times I'll be busy in another room and think to myself "Annie must be really tired, she didnt follow me in here". Until I get the feeling I'm being watched, and she has secretly snuck in behind me - so quietly.

I had two Labs that were velcro dogs. I could not move and they were right there with me. Fudge and Vern are far more independent and I really like it about them. Fudge will even go to sleep in my bedroom as I putz around the house. Both of my dogs love our cool foyer and spend a lot of time in there on my antique sofa (now an expensive dog bed) dozing and looking out the window. They are just all so different. Annie is your shadow and it can be comforting.

JD is just like Fudge and Vern. His favorite place is my bed when I'm not in it, lol. 

My kids make so much fun of me because I always say I am putting Fudge down for a nap. She likes to go back on our bed and I turn two fans on for her :)

Lucy is definitely a stalker! Sometimes when we are outside I lose sight of her and start to worry...until I look RIGHT behind me standing so close I couldnt get a piece of paper in between. I can't see her because she's so close. Daphne is a little less co-dependent. I can leave the room if she knows I've just gone for a snack or to adjust the air conditioner. She waits to see if I'll come back before she leaves her comfy position. Today, they are both at the groomer's and I MISS THEM! I got to take a whole shower without being watched! I don't know how to behave without my two little shadows. My husband call me the Pied Piper because they both follow me everywhere. 

HAHA How funny.  Lucy the stalker.  I know how you feel, I have to shower with the bathroom door open, because if I close it - Annie will scratch the door because she knows I'm in there.  Sometimes when I need "doodle free" time I have to sit her down with a beef rib or peanut butter stuffed kong to get 10 minutes alone!  I love that she loves me so much.  The pied piper!  HAHAHA

I love that Lucy has become so bonded to you so quickly.  Pied Piper makes me smile.


Willow is not a stalker or velcro per se and can leave us alone for good part of day, except when I cook (she sits between me and the stove with eyes intensely focused on every hand movement I make), and when one of us return from an overnight trip. For two days, I had sleeping doodle on top of me after I returned from a conference in CA. It was soooo sweet, but also very hard on my joints and muscles. :) She's my first dog too, and I am moved seeing how loyal she is to me - "what did I do to deserve such unconditional love from you, Willow?"

Aw this is a cute discussion :)  Bender is a stalker too... he likes to stare at me.  I wake up to him with his chin on my side of the bed staring at me, he stares at me when he's hungry, he stares at me from the couch when I'm in the kitchen, and he likes to stare into my eyes when I pet him when I get home from work.  He follows me everywhere I go.  

Zoe is very independent and doesn't follow me everywhere but when I do catch her staring from afar it is pretty creepy since she's so dark and you don't notice her right away!  LOL

I LOL'ed at this because Annie stares into my eyes when I pet her too.  It made me think of a creepy OPEN EYED kiss, LOL!!  So, Bender is Mr. Romantic-obsessed, and Zoe is the cunning and slick stalker. I think its so funny!



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