Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



I just joined this site.  I have a seven month old Goldendoodle and I've had her for five and a half months.  Once in awhile my eyes would tingle when I pet her.  Now, I have a horrible allergy to her.  I've been sick for the last couple of weeks and thought it was a cold, now I realize I'm allergic to her.  My eyes water really bad and I'm stuffed up and feel awful.  I've never been allergic to anything including dogs.  I had a cockapoo for 17 years before her and never had a reaction.  I am so bummed about this.  Since she still has her "puppy coat" is it possible when she is an adult I won't have this reaction? 

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Hi Debbie, I'm so sorry you're reacting to your dog.  The puppy coat vs. adult coat probably will NOT make a difference as it is not the hair or fur itself that causes allergic reactions. It's typically the dander.  Does she shed?  Not that it matters...even low shed dogs can cause allergies but sometimes shedding can release more dander into the air.  It might help to be sure she is washed with some regularity and kept clean and groomed.  Some people find that during pollen season doodles carry more 'stuff' from outside that can exacerbate their allergies.  There are also a few people on this site who just have to take allergy medications regularly to control their reactions to their doodles.  SO there are things that can help.  Hopefully some of them will chime in.
Thanks for the message. Yes, she does shed.  She is first generation and her coat is very long and fluffy, but no curl.  I can't believe this is happening.  My mom has a yellow lab and I'm fine around him.  I've been around dogs all my life and nothing like this before. 
I really don't know WHY one shedding breed would make a difference in allergic reaction compared to a different shedding breed (as in your mom's lab vs. your doodle).  Perhaps because your dog is fluffier and has longer hair more dander escapes?  Gosh I am grasping at straws.  But it might be a very simple thing to fix with antihistamines or other Rx allergy meds.
Debbie, I am no expert, but are you sure it is your Goldendoodle that is causing the problem? Maybe you have a sinus infection or something else. I think you should go to the doctor and get tested. I am sure you will be getting more advice from people more informed about allergies than me, but this is my opinion. Good luck!!

Hi Laurie,


Yes, I'm pretty sure.  I work from home and I've been in the kitchen all day on the computer and she's in the living room playing/sleeping.  I was starting to finally feel better today and then started playing with her.  Right after I did that, my eyes are itching and watery again.  I know it's not a sinus infection, because I usually get one in the summer and it doesn't feel anything like this. 

Debbie, I hope you get this all figured out. Have you bathed your dog in something recently that could be the culprit? I am grasping too. I think F Parker and Adina made a good point about the antihistamines. Keep us posted.
The first "test" would be to take an antihistamine and see if it helps, that is , is it really an allergy at all. It seems to me you would have reacted a lot sooner than after 5 months.

Definitely get professional allergy testing done and keep in mind that there are some crummy viruses going around right now. 

I have allergies and hypersensitivies: a bunch of stuff that causes no IgE reaction --allergy-- will make me wheeze and overproduce mucus in my lungs.  Grinding coffee, walking along a busy road, air fresheners...etc.  These are things that I don't loooove when I am well, but I tolerate them fine.

HOWEVER, when I am sick with a virus or a bacterial respiratory infection, everything that might bother me a little, suddenly bothers me a whole lot more to the point I need to use a "rescue" inhaler on top of my regular one. 

I liken it to this.  If you stick your leg in water, it feels fine.  If you stick your raw, inflamed pus-y leg in water, it is going to burn.

Anyway, I hope for the best for you and your dog.

If you are indeed allergic, a med you might consider, which has zero side effects as far as I can tell and research is Singulair.  It is a pill at night.  Also, you could start desensitization shots.  Not always effective but if you have insurance or money to spare, so worth a try.

I have an appointment with an allergist tomorrow.  Although, she can't test for my specific dog, just in general.  I was at the vet today because my dog has roundworms.  I told my vet about my allergic reactions to Lexie and he gave me a bottle of allerpet/d.  I already take Zyrtec at night for chronic hives, which is not due to allergies.  I'll see what the Allergist has to say about shots.  I would hate to be allergic to my puppy.

Good luck, tomorrow.  The dog serum they'll prick you with is comprised off a bunch of popular breeds dander, so a GD should be covered.  Good luck! 

I got shots as a kid (pollen, dust, ragweed, mold, cats, dogs).  I was symptom free for decades...until I moved out and had no cats for college.  Then the cat allergy and everything else slowly cam back.  I've been getting shots again since I was turned 34 and got Porter--just dust, mold, cats and dogs this time.  I barely pinged dogs as an allergy, but since I wanted a dog, they included it in the program. 

Porter makes me wheeze when he is long haired and soaking wet.  I have a feeling it is the mold spores in his fur.  Donno.  I run an air filter when he is wet constantly on snowy days.  I take singulair and symbicort for my larger lung issues and I'm not allowed to take antihistamines b/c they dry up and trap mucus in my lungs.  But they are fine for other people.  My son who is allergic to pollen gets a nasal spray, eye drops, antihistimine and singulair in the springtime only.  If he were to develop yearround allergies, I'd get shots for him.  I am not a fan of tons of meds when you can actually fix the problem.

Even the allergy testing is not entirely accurate. I tested positive for dogs among other things last spring when I went to get tested for tree pollens primarily. I have never had one clinical symptom of an allergy to any dogs including mine. I am very allergic both on testing and clinically to cats.
We're all sick with sinus like viruses right now. If you do get tests done and figure out that it is her and not something else that you're allergic to then the next thing would be to figure out what you can do. See if your allergist or doctor has answers. There is this product called 'Allerpet-D' that works for a lot of people. It may be worth a try. I've tried the dust mite killer made my the same company and found it effective. I can't vouch for the product but it seems to work for some. It is available on Amazon I think.



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