Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Smita, Ollie and Juno
  • 52, Female
  • San Ramon, CA
  • United States
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Smita, Ollie and Juno's Friends

  • Fran Crisman
  • Toulouse and Gigi
  • Connie & Bocelli
  • Hilda Draper
  • Ozzy Bob and Leanna
  • Kris & Brinkley
  • Harper
  • Becky & Sheeba
  • Michelyn Farnsworth
  • Harper's mom
  • frances jeffery
  • Becca & Lucy
  • Hilary Rogozinski
  • Gail+Kathleen,(Sydney+Olivia:)
  • Dori & Rua

Smita, Ollie and Juno's Discussions

A question about Ollies first year well check.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amber (with Maggie) Nov 7, 2011. 11 Replies

We've had Ollie now exactly for one wonderful year. His last well check was in November and he got his rabies shot (if I remember right) in December/Jan. My question is which vaccinations can I…Continue

I caught Ollie chewing gum!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Nov 5, 2011. 25 Replies

I saw him chewing something and looking naughty. Turns out it was chewing gum. Luckily not the sugar free variety. He then spit it out when I tried getting it out of his mouth and it got stuck...I…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Smita, Ollie and Juno May 5, 2011. 18 Replies

We took Ollie to the beach this past weekend. After that while doing his daily brushing I noticed two little bumps on Ollie's chest. My dh noticed them when he was rubbing Ollie's chest too. He asked…Continue

Please help. Ollie woke up with diarrhea and vomiting.

Started this discussion. Last reply by shelly Apr 6, 2011. 28 Replies

Please help!  Ollie is 7 months old now. Since we got him home he has never had stomach issues. Now this morning he woke us up whining at around 4 AM.  Dh took him outside and Ollie had a bout of…Continue

Tags: vomiting, diarrhea

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Welcome, Smita,Ollie and Juno!

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Ollie (Oliver) is an Australian chocolate labradoodle born on Aug 24, 2010. He is 45 lbs. and Juno (Juniper) an Australian Labradoodle born on Nov 19, 2015. She is a small medium expected to be 25-30 lbs. Ollie was expected to be 35 lbs. so who knows! ;-)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Temperament and the non/less shedding coat. I wanted a breed that would make a good family pet and be a safer choice for kids with allergies.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Seeing Ollie interact with my 2 kids is an amazing feeling. I also love cuddling him & Kissing his head...he is sooo soft!
My other favorite thing to do with him is to train him. He is super smart and picks things up really quickly.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Me so far. May look for a good groomer in the near future.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Smita, Ollie and Juno's Blog

Juno is 10 weeks old now.

Posted on January 31, 2016 at 3:01pm 9 Comments

My fur babies are so cute together. Ollie is really patient with her and a concerned big brother. Today when Juno got her paw stuck in the crate and yelped, he came running and sat by her when I was comforting her. He still gets annoyed at times with her puppy enthusiasm but they are learning to be together. He does steal all her toys and stashes them away in his corner but he does so very politely and quietly when she is not looking. No snatching or growling from my darling Ollie. She on…


Feels like old times.

Posted on January 27, 2016 at 11:24pm 9 Comments

Hello all! I am back after a 3 1/2 year hiatus from Doodle Kisses. We just added a new little Labradoodle pup to our family. We are in love with the new puppy. This one is a girl and adorable as can be. We call her Juniper aka Juno. Our older pup Oliver aka Ollie is a great big brother and has been very patient and sweet. A little about Juno...She is 9 weeks old and shares her birthday with my dad. :-) She is a medium and a beautiful Caramel color. A lovely contrast from our Chocolate doodle…


My furry boy is 1 year old.

Posted on August 25, 2011 at 11:51pm 21 Comments

Yesterday was Ollie's first birthday. Can't believe we've had him for 10 months. He has been such a joy to be around. He has brought us many,many smiles and giggles in the time we've had him. I am so proud of my boy. He is calm and well behaved with just the right amount of puppy enthusiasm and mischief. If I had designed a dog, it couldn't have been better than what we got.

We are lucky to have you my furry baby...may you live a long and healthy life and keep bringing us those…


Oh where, oh where has my fluffy dog gone?

Posted on May 2, 2011 at 10:08pm 12 Comments

So, yesterday on his walk, Ollie decided that a dead animal on the road would be fun to roll into. Had to take him in for a bath at the local self service dog wash. Everything changes at bath time. My spunky, happy little doodle boy disappears and is replaced by a whimpering, simpering, long-suffering dog who acts like he is on his way to a torture chamber. He also looks completely different. he looks black instead of brown and skinny :-) Here is the proof...

Luckily his attitude…


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At 4:53am on January 12, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

Happy Belated Birthday!!  I'm sorry we missed it.  Hope it was a wonderful day!!

At 5:50pm on January 11, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 2:45pm on January 11, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

At 7:48am on January 11, 2012, Christine & Shelby said…

Happy Birthday!!!!   We hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and celebration with family, friends and of course.... Doodles!

Christine & Shelby

At 6:33pm on January 24, 2011, Lynda Kamrath said…
It was rather impromptu or we would have invited everyone.  Dori was visiting from Omaha.  We plan to get together for another romp in April and will let everyone at NorCal group know about that get together.  Hope to see you then.
At 4:41pm on January 20, 2011, Harper said…
Where did you get Ollie btw?  We got Harper at Daisy Hill in Oregon and I was wondering if Ollie was from a litter a few months earlier.  Would be cool!
At 5:53pm on January 18, 2011, Harper said…
Ollie is adorable!  I have a chocolate doodle pup too - perhaps they can play at a doodle romp some day!
At 6:34pm on January 11, 2011, Dori & Rua said…
At 12:13pm on January 10, 2011, Jane, Rooney & Stuart said…
At 7:10am on November 18, 2010, sandy b said…
Max is out of Tampa Bays Darby and the sire is Seaspray's Lucas. He's almost 2 1/2 yrs old now and has mellowed considerably. Max nipped at us constantly when he was a puppy. I have several ruined shorts w/holes and ripped pj's. Having a trainer was the best investment for my sanity :-) You mentioned Ollie loves socks & shoes. Max still does. If a pair of socks or shoes are on the floor he has them. It's a game for him and he's pretty good about releasing them!! These are incredibly smart dogs and eager to please and so much fun. Your pictures are so cute, can't wait to see more of Ollie.


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