On Friday, Porter stopped jumping and climbing stairs. It happened slowly over the course of 5-6 hours. I don't know when the original injury happened, but by evening, he could not get into bed with me :-( and I had decided to take him to the Vet in the morning.
My husband had to take him while I was schlepping the kids to Saturday morning stuff. It just about killed me to not be the one to go, but I gave him detailed notes. My husband conveyed back to me: dx: soft tissue injury in right front quadrant bloodwork negative for Lyme disease and "a variety of other things" steroid injection for first 24 hrs, followed by Rimadyl (dog-advil) 500mg twice a day
What is freaking me out is how pathetic and lethargic Porter is. I am so used to him stalking me all day long. Now, he is lying in one place for hours. Both nights since the injury, he has tried to launch himself onto the bed and stopped short...like 15 times. I carried him up (at 65 lbs, he's well over half my weight) but I regretted it because I worried about him jumping back down and me injuring him in the carrying.
Has anyone else's dog had a front of the body injury? How long til it healed?
He walks almost normally, but sits or lies down asap, and watching him get up is heartbreaking. That right leg trembles and you can almost imagine him gritting his teeth.