Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Willow's favorite indoor game is hiding her ball under our coffee table. She'll nose it under there, then lay on her side and swipe at it with her feet until it rolls out and runs to that side and starts over. It usually gets stuck somewhere and she'll give me a "help" bark.

What games do your doodles do to keep themselves entertained??

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JD is not creative, sadly. About the only game he plays by himself is "Throw All The Pillows Off the Sofa". 

Luna grabs a toy and uses it to push other toys around the room sometimes :p  It's pretty funny. 

Other than that she doesn't really play much by herself.

This is so funny, our Libby plays the exact same game with her ball, but most of the time she cannot get it out and starts digging at the coffee table and gives us the "look" to help her:)  

Oh sweet, the "look" sounds much more polite than a bark! Willow is still very much a puppy at 9 months old. She wants to do nothing but play all day long. Once and a while she can convince our crotchety mini schnauzer to play with her. But he's usually too wrapped up being a neurotic little dog to care :)

Oscar has a different, but similar 'game' he plays with his ball (or antler, or other toy), where he takes it up onto the couch and pushes it behind the seat cushion. Then he digs and digs to get it back out. Surprisingly, the leather sofa doesn't seem to be showing signs of scratch marks and wear from these antics. Lucy isn't nearly as inventive at games as Oscar, but her favorite thing to do with Oscar is to egg him on to play. This morning Oscar was sitting in the middle of the floor while Lucy pushed him with her nose, stepped over him and jabbed him with play bites. Oscar just sat there stoically ignoring her... it was hilarious!

Oscar is the younger one, right? I can't believed he passed up a play oppurtunity! He must have been miffed at her ;)

Yes, Oscar is the younger one. He's just not as playful (and play motivated) as Lucy. He's more a food guy. He's very mellow and there are some times he just does not want to play with Lucy, as much as she tries (he's been this way since he was a little pup, and maybe it is part of the game the 2 of them play, with Lucy egging him on and him ignoring her... I just don't know, but it happens a lot). Of course, there are other times he's more than willing to play and Lucy loves those times. Outside together its Oscar who likes to be chased and Lucy who does the chasing :). I like that they're similar, but different. They do complement one another.

Luca had similar " put the ball under things" games. After he inadvertently tore the couch, trying to get a ball, balls were banished. Sometimes now he'll get some sort of toy under his bed and then he tosses his big heavy bed around to retrieve the toy. He Los likes to pop a ball up with his paw outside.

Goldie likes to challenge my daughter in the "let's get all of the toys out" game. Today while it was just me and Goldie at home and I was laying on the couch sick Goldie pretty much had no choice but to play on her own. I wish I would've taken a picture before I cleaned it up because every single one of her toys ended up in the living room floor. And by every I mean at least 15! Sometimes she doesn't even play with them individually.  She'll just take them all out one by one... now to teach her to put them back in :)

When you figure out how to teach that trick, let me in on how! lol my house looks like I live with 3 toddlers.

Myla does the same thing - she'll play with a toy until it's under the couch and then she'll try and get it and when she can't she'll whine and whine (a special whine) until we go down and get it for her!  When she wants to play, she'll grab a very bouncy ball from her "toy box" and keep dropping it in front of us until we grab it and throw it for her!  If we totally ignore her, she'll keep dropping it and grabbing it and dropping it again!  If we don't "play" she'll lay down with the ball under her paw and sleep!  I love her so much!!!!!

Aww :) I often think Willow has a way of making me "fetch" by doing this.



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