Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynda Kamrath Mar 10, 2016. 9 Replies 0 Favorites
I'm pretty sure this isn't normal for doodles, or any dogs for that matter. Its Oscar's ears. I've been giving him total grooms now for 2-1/2 yrs, and bathed him regularly, even, before that.…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Debb, Lucy & Oscar Oct 11, 2014. 16 Replies 0 Favorites
I've always been afraid the day would come when I'd go to take either Oscar or Lucy out to their nightly potty spot along the side of our house and run into a SKUNK. Well, the day has come! It…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Sep 15, 2014. 20 Replies 0 Favorites
Its hard to believe he's 2 already, he is such a puppy still, in so many ways. He's still clumsy and awkward, and silly and goofy. Guess that's just Oscar and has little to do with his age. He's been…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu Apr 14, 2014. 14 Replies 0 Favorites
Today we took the doodles to a new dog park up by Portland Community College, just a mile and a half away from our house. There were no signs at all directing the way, but we knew it was there…Continue
Posted on October 8, 2013 at 8:30am 15 Comments 0 Favorites
Its been a busy last few days, but Saturday morning my DH informed me that after he returned from taking Lucy for a potty he found Oscar had thrown up not one, but TWO socks in his crate. He hadn't yet eaten his breakfast so the socks were pretty dry. This is the 2nd time he's thrown up a sock (or 2!). The first time the entire incident was on our radar, as I had found 1 sock but not the matching other sock. That time we just played a waiting game, for him to either develop symptoms of an…
ContinuePosted on September 11, 2013 at 2:30pm 14 Comments 0 Favorites
Alright, I already know Oscar believes ALL toys are HIS. From the day we brought him home at 8 weeks he made that very clear. He was the smallest male of his litter and maybe he learned it then. He had to be assertive to get what he wanted. By 'assertive' I mean patient and able to take advantage of an opportunity. He's smart and not mean in the least. No aggressive tendencies and no 'resource guarding'. If there's a toy another dog has that he wants, he will most definitely get it in the…
ContinuePosted on June 16, 2013 at 1:58pm 23 Comments 0 Favorites
Oh, the joys of having 2 doodles! Never a dull moment... I love a happy ending, and this story has a happy ending.
A few nights ago the doods were upstairs on the landing, lying side by side on their haunches, each with an antler. My DH was upstairs and I heard him come out of the bedroom, where he'd been watching TV, to check on the dogs. He remarked how good they both were! A little later, I stepped out of the study and glanced upstairs, and I saw 2 heads, side by side, peeking…
ContinuePosted on February 25, 2013 at 5:30pm 14 Comments 0 Favorites
Tomorrow Oscar sees 2 dental vet specialists for his malocclusion (narrow base canines). We had his lower baby canines extracted at 10 weeks old because they were growing straight up and hitting his hard palate. It was found at that time he had a severe overbite, with his lower jaw unable to grow properly (due to the lower baby canines holding it in place). Since the extractions we had hoped his lower jaw would 'catch up' in growth to his upper jaw. 13 weeks later, that doesn't appear to be…
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Hi I have not been on this site in a long time. I think we messaged each other back when our doodles were pups. Is your doodle a Monty/Sputnik breed from #labradoodledoo? Need to find out some health concerns. Just had a endoscope done on Milo and waiting for biopsies.
Hi Debb,
Thanks for your comment! I haven't been on recently!
I will be glad for drier weather! Muddy paws have been a lot to keep up with this season!
Thanks for the website....I will look into it....I appreciate it!
Teddy is allergic to chicken, turkey, grains, and god know's what else....he is on Ultramix/duck, sweet potato, peas. We have changed nothing, but his rashes are flaring up yet again....been to the doggy's a never ending cycle. Someone mentioned goat's milk, and you were the first 'doodle
kiss' person I asked. What probiotic do you use? Is it daily?
What was your dog's issues? (that you decided to use the yogurt & probiotics? Teddy ( our 4 year GD) has sooo
many allergies, and skin issues, etc.....I am constantly trying to 'figure it out'........
Yes, I did notice you had two Cockatoo's......Sophie, our Citron, passed away in March.....we still miss him a certainly have your hands do the dogs get along with the birds??
Hi Debb, I wanted to ask you how the goat's milk ended up working out.
Thanks for your advice re the probiotics. I will take it easy since he is also on Rimadyl and the last thing I want to do is upset his tummy. Every time he wants to go out he has to be brought on leash and the weather is awful here! This is going to take some time to heal properly......
Hi Debb! I'm guessing it was Sharee, and she probable brought up Dogtown in Gresham. I checked it out once when we first got Tess. It was nice and I think Sharee has used it. I have no idea if they do this kind of thing. Check with Sharee or Dogtown, and good luck!
Thanks so much Debb! I had a lovely day with the family!
Hi Debb :) I have loved looking through your pics of Lucy and Oscar. That is really cool that they are related. Doodles have so much personality. Glad yours get along so well. Seems like the perfect match! Max and Elphie have grown into the sweetest most loving of pups. That is not to say they don't do a thousand things a day to drive me crazy lol. Max is a ball boy. There is nothing he loves more that playing ball... other than my son Dylan. Never has a dog been more crazy about a person. Dylan doesn't live with us so we have to be careful not to say his name aloud. When he is not here he must be referred to as Mr. D.. Slip and say Dylan's name and Max perks up... stares us in the face and heads to the front door to bark. Of course when one starts barking there are two other to join in the chorus. Elphie's favorite thing to do is to torment Max. She will grab his ball (or any other toy he is interested in) and lay down with it in front of her. She then acts totally uninterested in it but there is apparently some sort of invisible doodle shield surrounding her that Max is unable to cross. He will stare at the ball.... desperately wanting it.... barking at her.... Elphie ignores him like he is not there... confident in her protective shield. She loves this game and it plays out several times a day!
Our weather has been crazy too.. for years now. Like most of the country we had no winter last year. The weeds loved it! On top of that we have been in a severe drought which the weeds also loved. We had water rationing last summer and it went back into effect early this year. There was a whole section of the yard that was literally taken over by a carpet of purslane. It died off over this winter leaving nothing but bare dirt. Max turns from gray to brown then once inside magically turns back to white. Not hard to guess where all of that dirt goes.
Thunder came into our lives last fall. Kate found him wandering in her work parking lot... in the middle of a severe thunderstorm. Poor little guy was covered from head to toe with matts. His poor little eyes were totally covered and his hair covered with sticks and debris. She brought him home thinking we would find him a home but of course fell in love with him. Such a sweet little boy. He is a cuddlier. Lays down next to you and scootches in like he just can not get close enough. Max instantly accepted him. Elphie is a little jealous. I think she really wants him to play with her but he is not too interested in that. For the most part they get along fine. However... when she gets jealous the barking begins. We are perplexed with Thunder's history. He had obviously spent some time on his own. Like I said in such terrible shape. He also has a hernia which still has not been fixed... but he has (been neutered). He did not know how to sit or any such commands but you can throw a toy and he will chase it and bring it back and drop it right at your feet. He was potty trained so... his past is a real mystery. He loves to eat and if allowed would easily out eat his brother and sister. Max is probably around 70 pounds, Elphie 45, and Thunder right around 20. I call him the Sheriff because if the other dogs run in the house he will chase after them and put a stop to it! Funny funny kid!
I am going to try to get some fresh pics of them today and send your way :) Great to hear from you again!!
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