Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Willow's favorite indoor game is hiding her ball under our coffee table. She'll nose it under there, then lay on her side and swipe at it with her feet until it rolls out and runs to that side and starts over. It usually gets stuck somewhere and she'll give me a "help" bark.

What games do your doodles do to keep themselves entertained??

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All such smart Doods

Well both my dogs outsmarted me today. We took a visit to my parents house on the river. And both dogs got a lot of river silt in their coats, so I thought I'd hose them both off before they got in my car. They immediately rolled in the grass and dirt. They were dirtier than before I hosed them down.

Clancy rolls around on his back while holding a toy in his paws and crooning to it. 

Meg discovered that she fits behind the couch so she loves to drop a toy back there and then go be surprised that she found and brought it back by herself.  If she has a hard toy she loves to take it to the kitchen where she can bat it around for maximum noise level while she chases it until it accidently goes under the island, that requires broom control...

Judy, that is cute behind the "couch" game!  These dogs are so adorable and so fun!

Roxy has one of those dog treat balls where you put treats in it, adjust the treat hole, put the lid on it and the dog rolls it around until a treat falls out.  When I first gave it to her I was showing her how it works so I would roll it and show her when a treat fell out.  Now she waits till I put my feet up in the recliner, brings me the ball and rolls it down the recliner to me.  I have to roll it back to her and she to me until a treat falls out.  :)

I thought about getting Willow some interactive toys. I did get her a soft toy tree log that has little squirrels to take out (recommended by a DKer, and on sale on amazon!) She does like that, but I thought maybe I could be creative and make my own....We shall see now that I have more time off from work.



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