Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

a.k.a. Rodney
  • Delray Beach, FL
  • United States
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A.k.a. Rodney's Friends

  • Haley, Yeti, and Phin
  • Ada and Emma
  • Kurt
  • Kate Denney
  • jenn D
  • Nalan O.
  • Leo
  • Kerilynn and Ovie
  • Jill DeMartino
  • Kristin and Sophie
  • Adrienne
  • Tamela Woodardq
  • nira rajavasireddy
  • kl. Lipke
  • Lindsay n Archie

a.k.a. Rodney's Discussions

slo bowl

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gail+Kathleen,(Sydney+Olivia:) Mar 14, 2014. 4 Replies

Slo Bowl arrived 2 days agowhile DerbyDoodle is only 10 lbs and a petite doodle..she has no problems getting to her food in this oversized bowl.  She eats rehydrated biscuits i pull into pieces and…Continue

Does this make sense?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Jan 7, 2014. 2 Replies

DerbyDoodle is post her 1 yr bday by a few decided now that her stools seem stable & no additional items are added to her diet (pumpkin) and I stopped the ProviableDC...that she is…Continue

crate & cover question

Started this discussion. Last reply by a.k.a. Rodney Jan 6, 2014. 10 Replies

DerbyDoodle  sleeps in her crate at night..never had any issues. Early on i covered its just under the kitchen desk not covered up since October.  my one concern is we are in Fla. now and…Continue

Happy 2014 to All Doodles & Doodle lovers/ please view the image added below

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Quincy & Frankie Jan 2, 2014. 5 Replies

Happy 2014 to All Doodles & Doodle loversContinue

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Rodney & DerbyDoodle

Profile Information

About Me:
PitaPata Dog tickers
I'm a Mom to 3 wonderful adult children.Oldest daughter has been a criminal felony prosecutor for 18.5 yrs, in Cook Cnty in Chicago.... middle daughter is a stay@ home mom & former paralegal in Chicago. She owns 5 yr old Golden. Our Youngest son is a high school English teacher at a charter school in the Bronx, NYC . He is currently going for his Doctorate in English Edu. @ Columbia Univ.
As a family we have had 2 dogs for most of their life. Derby Doodle is the first as an "only child"/empty nester pup. We have 8 fabulous grandchildren..ages 11-1 yr..all are looking forward to great times & fun vacations & visits with Derby Doodle. We are an observant Jewish family and DerbyDoodle is learning to respond to Hebrew commands. Presently, ( sept 2013 @ 8 mo she knows Sit, come, drop it, Be quiet in Hebrew. She isn't exactly bilingual yet in her speech, It all sounds the same so far :)
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Petite English Teddybear F1b goldendoodle
8wks old/3 lbs...from Springview Doodles, Longwood, Fl
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
reputatation for intelligence & mellow personality
and interested in working the dog as a therapy dog.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Walk her, train her, snuggle. She loves being close to us and on a lap is even better!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
First bath 4/12/13 @ Lap of Luxury in Delray Beach
Favorite Doodle Products?
dehydrated chicken bites for "come" command
Primal dehydrated Chix nuggets
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
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Comment Wall (24 comments)

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At 6:54am on January 9, 2015, Sally, Ditzy Mitzi & Sgt. Pepper said…

Saw you question about dog vests.  We have one, used it once, dog does not like swimming at all.  Be careful when closing the zipper, it pinched our dog's skin and caused a skin problem.  Would really prefer a different fastener if we were to use it again.

At 8:50pm on March 4, 2014, Ada and Emma said…
Rodney, thank you for your friend request. My vet is Dr. Wander, he is located in Boca Raton, between Palmetto and Powerline. Here is some info on him and his location:
At 9:21am on December 14, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Rodney ~ I saw your discussion "same saga" and my thought is that if you are feeding her the vet food at this time, continue on for a couple of weeks to see if it does make a difference.  If it does, yeah keep her on it.  After she matures, you can then try to slowly transition over to a recommended food.  I think so many of the recommended foods seem to be too rich (or something) for some dogs.  My friend has since transitioned over to Wellness Core and her doggy is doing just fine.  Good Luck!

At 3:01pm on June 27, 2013, Cathy C. Bennett said…

Thanks Rodney - I am actually working on that, it's a process though.

Take care

At 9:46pm on June 17, 2013, Leo said…

please me when you have some time to chat. i would like to hear about your experience with that breeder

At 3:30am on June 15, 2013, Judy, Meg & Polly Wolly Doodle said…

I am sorry I just saw this question with friend request.  Yes we do live in Palestine, it is the southern end of the state, Palatine is up north.  Palestine is the first town in Illinois and has quite a history by we are a very small town.

At 8:10pm on June 9, 2013, Adrienne said…

Thanks for the friend request.  Derby is such a cutie pie.  I am sure that she stops traffic wherever you go.

At 6:23pm on June 9, 2013, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Thank you, Rodney  :)  

It is a pleasure to have you here on DK and also have you as a friend.

At 6:26pm on June 2, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I just read your comment.  For my fun backgrounds I use

I click on backgrounds and when that pops up, I scroll down and click on backgrounds and then type in the theme I am looking for.  When I find one I like, I click on it.  Most of them can be copied to your page in the 'Advanced' section (make sure that what is on there is deleted).  Have fun playing around.

At 6:03pm on June 2, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Thank you for the friend request. How lucky that you have so many grandchildren.  I have only one.  Derby doodle is truly darling

A.k.a. Rodney's Blog

Doodles can bring out the Crazeees

Posted on August 10, 2013 at 10:00pm 3 Comments

Having been cooped up in the house for 6 days with a small bout of pneumonia....on day #7 DerbyDoodle & I bolted for some freedom & retail therapy. But first in trying to keep with her training program since leaving Markay training ....I decided to meet DH for a quick lunch. She joined us outside at a local restaurant. Where she laid on the concrete like a perfect angel for apprx 40 min. This was our first time taking her to a restaurant since her "polite dog switch was flipped on by… Continue

Boot Camp recruit returns home

Posted on July 29, 2013 at 9:00pm 11 Comments

DerbyDoodle was brought back home today by the amazing trainer (Liz) who runs Markay Dog training facility. I wasn't sure what to expect...I didn't want to raise my expectations to high and then get disappointed. The trainer had great personal recs but I felt DerbyDoodle was a little over the top dominant...she politely explained some of the issues I was having with DerbyDoodle were related to the prong collar...I had it on her incorrectly!! Also Liz felt she was experiencing a correction from… Continue

Epilogue to this Dood is an amazing traveler

Posted on May 28, 2013 at 10:00pm 7 Comments

We left NYC late this was a nasty weather day there. Derby's big preoccupation was not to allow me to get out of her sight...I think she knew something was up. My Maltese was never allowed on the bed..DH rules..but if he was out of town I always broke the rules..and this is the G-ds honest truth..she always knew when he was out of town even if he never packed a suitcase as opposed to nites when he came home at a late hr. SO I don't doubt that DerbyDoodle knew travel was imminent… Continue

All Aboard!! This dood is one amazing traveler!!

Posted on May 26, 2013 at 7:30pm 10 Comments

I recently saw a piece on DK where the writer was explaining the Yiddish word KVELL. So, without being too redundant..I will translate the word as meaning: to Gush with enormous pride over someone close to you & their accomplishments. Just like a picture one word can say a, I want o KVELL a little about DerbyDoodle.

in the short span of 7 days she left her hometown roots in Fla. for the unseasonably cold weather in only leave there after 6 days to fly to NYC.… Continue


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