Living in NJ this will be my first major hurricane. What do you do with a dog, that's never been paper trained, when you can't go outside for two days?
I anticipate the same problem with Tori. I actually had to pick her up before and carry her outside and beg her to just pee.... she hates to walk on wet grass or in puddles. Don't know what she's going to do when she needs to poop. She may go hide in another room and poop. She actually has done that 3 times. But I always feel so bad as if she KNOWS it's wrong.... I never make a big deal over it, so hopefully that will be the case. Good luck! HOpe all is well.
Same with Maizy. Poor girl was whinning throughout the night because she must have been scared of the wind! She is still sleeping and when she wakes I will evaluate outside and possibly try papers! Is this going to set her back in potty training? I know our safelty comes first I'm just worried!!!!
Murph had no trouble peeing and pooping this morning. Guinness is very nervous about the winds and driving poops for him yet. Poor DH is the one out there braving the hurricane.