Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi Everyone,
I'm brand new to this website. My family and I are looking for a standard english Goldendoodle. I have other dogs in my furbaby family; a female Great Dane, and a male and femal Shih-tzu. We would like to add a Goldendoodle to our family. I came across several breeders one of which is Smegmeralda Teddybear Goldendoodles. This breeder seems to consistently have the type of Goldendoodle I'm looking for. We have adoped our other dogs from breeders that we located from the internet, and have had good experiences. We still keep in touch with Teddy's breeder 7 years later (male Shih-tzu).
I've done numerous searches on this breeder, but cannot fine anything negative. If you know of anyone who has had an experience, good or bad, please let me know.
Can anyone recommend a Standard English Goldendoodle breeder
Hi Lisa, welcome to DK.
Breeder recommendations and/or reviews are not permitted here in the forum. People can leave a comment on your page or they can send you a private message.
Please read What to Look for in a Breeder. This is really the minimum that you should require from any breeder you consider. Pay particular attention to the information about the health warranty and contract. If anyone doesn't measure up to these guidelines, look elsewhere. The article also has links to the Owner Recommended Breeders Group and other resources for finding a healthy puppy from a reputable source.
I believe the breeder you are asking about has a group here. You can search under the "Groups" tab and possibly find other members with dogs from her. I know there are some here.
Good luck in your search.
You can also search using the top search bar on our right corner (orange). However, sometimes people spell that breeder's name wrong so it's tough to search for as so many spell it differently and then it doesn't show up in searches. But a search for Teddy Bear or teddybear using our top search box may help. Good luck! No personal experience so I can't help more than that.
Here is the group:
Hi Lisa, We LOVE our Doodles and we know you will too... have you given any thought to adopting a doodle through a rescue. There are sooooo many doodles who have been purchased through breeders, puppy stores, etc. and these beautiful doodles end up in rescue because many people don't know the responsibilities and what it takes to groom, play, feed, vet... please give some thought to submitting your application to a group such as Doodle Rescue Collective. We own our Poodle mommy Brigit who we rescued 5 years ago from a Puppy Mill here in our very small town where over 50 adult Poodles and Golden Retreivers and puppies were living in terrible conditions, adults used for breeding and unhealthy puppies sold over the internet. Brigit was pregnant and two weeks after we brought her home she had nine adorable, amazingly healthy GoldenDoodle puppies. All the pups went to wonderful homes and we were fortunate to keep one of the boys who we named Riley. Four months ago, a cute 6 month old blonde GoldenDoodle was surrendered to a rescue group in North Miami... she was originally purchased at a Pet Shop by a family with four children that I am sure loved her but did not have the time or patience to raise and train a puppy. She was extremely matted and could barely open her mouth. We adopted this Doodle who we now call Morgan Maye O'Doodle, we absolutely love this sassy little girl who has come a long way in only a few months. And even though she was young, we know she is grateful to have a forever home. We are so fortunate... again please consider saving/rescuing a doodle.
Thank you Cora for your suggestion about adopting a doodle. I have not been able to foster for awhile but I had some beautiful, wonderful loving doodles come through my home. These foster doodles just had the misfortune of being in a home (or a puppy mill) where they were not treated the way a beloved pet should be treated. Thank you for adopting. There are so many unwanted doodles throughout the country that the DRC can't bring into the program due to not having enough foster parents.
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