Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi everyone. I'm new to doodle kisses and this is my first post. I hope I"m posting this question in the right place.
After a bath, is it better/easier (in terms of working through knots) to comb through fur that's still wet, or wait until it's dry?
I usually put in some cowboy magic and work through it when it's still pretty wet, but it takes me a LONG time to comb the product throughout his fur and work out the knots. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Great question! And I know you will get good responses here.
I have a much harder time brushing/combing while my dog is wet. However, I always thought that if you left a tangle to dry you would have to cut it out. But I am no groomer.
Hi Lynn. Thanks for the response. Sometimes I think I need to be more patient and just let Winston's fur dry before I start combing him out....I too have a pretty hard time with combing him while he is wet. Maybe combing when wet creates more tangles?
I give me doodles a real good bruch/comb before I bathe them, then when they are wet I spray a detangler all over and work into the matts. I also have a matt buster tyep of comb, it has razors that cut right thru the matt. Its the best and I would not groom without it. Sasha is VERY pooodley and Oliver does not have a tight curl as Sasha, I find on the type of hair my doodles have its easier when they are dry.
I think you are probably going to see people coming down on both sides of this question. I personally have my girls completely combed out and mat free before I bath them. Then after the bath I just let them dry. I normally comb out their faces when they are still wet and sometimes I run a comb through Sophie's back and sides but find the legs easier to comb or brush out once she is dry. Our doodles have such different coat types that I think this is just going to depend a lot on that. I think the important part is to try and get the mats out first.
In the summer I let mine air dry and brush/comb out a day or 2 later (I keep them short in the summer). In the winter, I brush/comb as I'm drying them but do a full brush out after they are completely dry from the dryer. No matter what season though, I always brush them out before a bath or letting them play in water. Water seems to set in any mats that are already in the fur and only makes the situation worse. I also found that squeezing them dry with a towel instead of rubbing them with a towel helps to prevent additional tangles from forming. I used to rub them with the towel and ended up with a knotty mess and learned my lesson :)
Amy is absolutely correct--I groom doodles and the people that take them swimming a lot without brushing AND combing with a steel comb bring me totally matted doodles and those mats are like cement. I have a customer who takes his dog in the shower with him and he thinks this makes my job easier---wrong!! He never gets the mats out, so the dog is a total mess when i try to clip him. Get as much out as you can before a bath!
The squeezing is the way to go also and then let the dog air dry and comb again later when all dry.
Technically, you aren't supposed to comb/brush wet coats. It damages the hair shafts, which leads to more matting and tangling. (I learned that in a grooming class.) But I find it sometimes easier to comb through some areas wet when I apply heavy duty conditioner. I try to comb through W & W's coats thoroughly before I bathe them, but I do get lazy. The water does set the mat and the 'scrubbing' and toweling can also make them worse. I keep them pretty short and end up cutting out mats, rather than trying to get them out. Less stressful for them, easier for me.
Hi Diana,
I'm glad you are posting!
I line-brush (look this up in the Grooming Group, it is really the only way to get all the way to the roots of the hair) and make sure the dogs are completely tangle-free before bathing. I shampoo and put in a good conditioner. I let them dry completely before brushing again. I use a Les Pooches brush. They are ridiculously expensive until you buy one and then they become priceless! I really would never want to brush my dogs without one. Different coats have different requirements, but if you are getting mats may need the Les Pooches. You can write a note to Kemp Rader at and find out which brush is best for your doodle. He advised many of us on which is the best brush for our dogs. I sometimes dry them with a dryer instead of just air drying. The blow drying can blow out some of the tangles if it is one meant for dogs... they are much stronger at moving the air and are cool in temperature so they are safe. I hope this is helpful and not confusing.
Your dog may be going through the dreaded coat change... that is another topic to explore in the Grooming Group.
Oh little buddy! you are one soft, sweet looking, fluffer-dood! Winston's coat is considerably straighter than Kona's so you may not need the Les Pooches brush... I'd definitely check with Kemp. People have talked about the Chris Christiansen pin brushes which might be even better for your doodle coat. I'm not sure though. Others may chime in here. He sure is adorable!
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