Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi..I'm really frustrated and unsure of what to do. I've been asking to get a 2nd dog..a goldendoodle to be specific...for months. My husband decided to surprise me with one for xmas. However I have noticed a lot of shedding. When i went to breeder website it says a golden retriever was bred with a goldendoodle. So that makes this dog 75% retriever. Is this still considered a doodle? My husvand paid a lot of money and I feel he was cheated. This would not normally be sych a big deal except for the fact thst I have allergies, hence wanting a 2nd dog with no shed but withl the other wonderful qualities. I'm already in love with her but having a hard time letting go thst my husband paid for a "doodle" and that's not what he got. Do we have any recourse with the breeder? Any suggestions?

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There are users that will have a lot of better information than I have, but I do know that not all doodles are non-shedding. Some are more retriever and some are more poodle. Mine is 75% poodle. Her coat is getting curlier as she grows and she has a slight shed if she lays on my black clothes. Did your husband see both of the parents? 

No my husband did not see the mother just the father.
First off congrats on the new puppy, but if your having any reservations contact your breeder asap. If the puppy is from a reputable breeder they will want you to be 100% happy. As far as her being a doodle, you do have a doodle, there are many people I have seen on this site that have the same "combo" as your pup. I think there might even be a group dedicated to the 75% retriever/ 25% poodle kind! Take a look around the site and enjoy your puppy!
This is a breeders website, but they explain the breedings/ genetics well.. It's a matter of personal preference, but some people prefer, the breeding mix.

A goldendoodle bred back to a Golden Retriever is technically an F1b, although it's a reverse F1B; the correct way to breed an F1B is to breed a goldendoodle back to a purebred Poodle, which gives you the best chances of non-shedding. 

As to whether or not your puppy is an "actual doodle", there is no exact definition of what that might be, as all doodles are mixed breed dogs with varying parentage. She's a mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle, so yes, she is a goldendoodle. But what name you call the puppy or whether or not she is an "actual" goldendoodle really has nothing to do with it, since lots of goldendoodles shed, even the higher generations. There are never any guarantees of non-shedding or allergy friendliness with doodles, no matter what the percentages of the parent breeds are. However, a dog with that much GR in it is almost guaranteed to have some shedding, and I don't know of any reputable doodle breeders who are producing that mix.

Whether or not you have any recourse with the breeder depends on what the purchase agreement says. It's doubtful that you are dealing with a reputable breeder, but you can try to return the puppy. 

Also, regarding "paying for a doodle", the most reputable breeders charge about $2000 for a puppy from health tested parents, but you can get doodle puppies for as little as $500, so the price really doesn't have much to do with it. Bottom line, if you love the puppy and can live with the shedding, forget about what your husband paid, and move forward. If not, it would be best for all concerned to try to return her.

$2000 dollars is low for all but very early generations.

For ALDs F, but not really for GDs, I think. Even multi-gen GDs from good breeders are usually priced around $2000 from what I see. 


My breeder charges $2350 multigen LDs with completely health tested parents and this is a very expensive area compared to other parts of the country. So I think $2000 is a median price for a doodle unless it is an F1.

Karen. Saw some here in San Diego over Christmas for $250! What a deal, right? ( insert the rolling eyes)


And here's the problem....we were out at Home Depot with Enzo and was approached by a family. They started asking questions and got around to the" how much". The husband immediately stated, he saw the same ad and they were going to look at them the next day.. Without trying to sound like a snob, I tried to explain contracts and health checks and all the things we all have done our best to attain and avoid. In a nut shell, he only knew the $250 price. My last words were" buyer beware" and he smirked at me. I tried.....



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