Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our Bella just seems to be so mature and soulful for such a young pup. She has expressions and looks into my eyes like she is trying to tell me something and at times I feel like I am so connected with her on some spiritual level. 

She is so different from Murphy in that he is oblivious, (is it a male thing? No offense intended gentlemen) He is aloof and hardly ever looks me in the eye let alone stares into them. He is just now laying close to us at night and letting us cuddle with him and Bella just seems to know when and where I want her to be near me and has from the beginning.  I know the poop eating is troublesome, but even that is an instinct of a good mother dog.  I have a feeling she has had other lives here on earth before and maybe even has had her own pups. ( Read "A Dog's Purpose" by Bruce Cameron before you call the men with the straight jackets )

Please share your connections with your doodles?



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Both of our Doodles are "old souls".  Olivia always had incredible eye contact.  But now Sydney has become very connected to us.  Sydney will sometimes stop, sit in front of one of us, and just stare and stare (no blinking for quite awhile)!  Our Mom, (who was never much of a dog lover) and is struggling with Parkinson's enjoys our Doodles so much.  We try to bring them to visit her once in awhile.  They always get our Mom to laugh which makes us feel soooo good!
That is so touching that your mom enjoys your doodles, especially since she is not a dog lover. Shows how much they touch our spirits. It took a doodle to totally transform me too!
My DH and I used to say that Tahoe, our first GD, was born "old" -- he was the most complacent dog that ever lived and never went through a "puppy stage," if you can believe that! He never chewed up anything and never really liked toys. All he wanted to go was be around us. Knox has more than made up for all the "puppy-time" that we missed out on with Tahoe! Knox doesn't have one old thing about him, unfortunately!!

Sue, she gets that from her mother. :o)

This is her mom at eight weeks, when we got her. (black & white pictures)

And this is how she looks now.
Kennedy has always had an "old soul" too. We are very much connected. She knows when I wake up, even if I haven't moved and knows if I'm feeling down. I'm so happy Bella has those same wonderful qualities. :o)
YES, she has the same look. Bella has the same nose color too. She is definitely just like her mama. And she learns ways to communicate with me more everyday. More so than Murphy ever did. Especially at this age. She really is a joy. ( no poop eating this week, training and food additives are helping).
Ken's nose gets solid black in the summer.  Hopefully Bella's will come back too!

Bella's was solid black when we got her so I'm thinking it will, Murphy's does the same in the winter.

These wonderful qualities are definetly from Kennedy....she produced some remarkably special puppies with incredible wisdom and insight :)  Bella reminds me alot of our Rose....Rose's nose has remained black but Gaston-Cramer's has lightened! (He was not lucky enough to have Kennedy as his Mom) We say it's from kissing it too much! LOL

Carole, I can see so much of Rose in Bella. We are both very lucky to have a Kennedy baby aren't we?
Little Monty has been an old man since the beginning.  I truly wish to know what he is saying,.  I do know that he misses his thumbs and voice,.:(
Our Kona is an old soul. He has been wise and kind and sensitive since day one. He looks at us like he really gets us and is enduring in his compassion. Our pup, Owen does not have this quality. They are both so smart but Kona is tuned in; Owen is not.

One of my friends commented on this picture of Dylan - saying he definitely looked as though he had an old soul. This was at about 7 months.


Some days he'll look up at me though and look like a really young pup and he's 18 months now.



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