Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thinking back on my history of ownership of animals my very first dog Was a poodle named "Precious" or "Pup Dog" as my brother would say.  I truly loved her with all my heart.  Also in my early 20s my best friend was a German Shepard named "Romeo"  a male which is with me forever.  For me as a man I have a female Goldendoodle named "Shelby" and a Calico cat female , "Cali"  Does it matter or do you wonder?

Do you as animal owner have the opposite sex preference or tendancies?

I would love the hear your thoughts of my Doodle friends........


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I prefer females.  Every dog I ever had was a female, including the two doodles I have now.  In fact, I even have 3 daughters and no sons.  That was not by choice, by funny that it ended up that way.
Im my household its predominately the ladies.  Five to Two.  My brothers house is Four to One.  Life is great isnt it?? LOL  Even the Poodies

Right  now we have a female cat and our doodle is female plus me and my DH. So we are leaning heavily toward female right now and I love it!! But I think that DH thinks he has a harem!! LOL!!

In the past it was just the opposite, myself with a male dog, male cat and DH!  Then I was the one with the harem!!

I like it both ways but I have to admit that I LOVE having the strong female energy in the house and outnumbering my DH!! Ha!!

I so totally agree with you!  We men must bow to the ladies that make us who we are.  Thank you for your input.  Hmm.  My poor son has his sister and three girl cousins.  Houston and I try to make a break for it LOL when we can...

Ha! I'm going to have to have my DH read that second sentence of yours- "We men must bow to the ladies that make us who we are."  I don't think he quite gets that yet!!! LOL!!

It's nice that you and Houston can have some "man time" together!! He probably loves that!!

Fifth Grade Football is our getaway.  I just dont know what I would do without my wife!  I Love Her so so much.  Fifteen years is not long enough!  Not too many ladies now a days spends the time in the kitchen and truly enjoys it.  I think what gets me by is that I will do laundry and cook too!  Thank God for Mothers!!
Sounds to me like your wife got luck too Kev!! :)
I love my doodle-boy!! My first doodle was a male and after he died, I had to replace him with another!  

It sounds like Mama has a boy.  They sometimes can be better than kids right?  Dont talk back and say it all with their eyes.   A picture is worth a thousand words....( WHOEVER SAID THAT NEVER SAW INTO A DOODLES EYES)  

girls rock, but I'm feeling like my next pet should be a boy to balance out the female energy in my little home.
I agree Sherri but I have a strong feeling that the boys will make their presence known....So happy to hear...A Doodle again??
oh, I'm not sure. There will be another dog, but I don't know when or what kind. Of course a doodle is my first choice, but I will wait for the right guy to find me ;-)



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