Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I hope I don't jinx myself with this post, but one command that we have struggled with here when the Doodles are outside is "COME"! Sure they will come ... when they want to! AnnaBelle will pretty much always come if it is only her. However, she looks to see what Lucy decides to do if they are both outside. So, this week I read (on FB of all places) someone say "I use HERE instead of COME because they seem to hear HERE better than COME. So, I thought what the heck, let me try it. 100% success over the last two days. About 30 mins ago I let them both out and they took off to the fence because the boy next door was tossing a football with some little kid. I was like oh great, now they are going to bark and I'm not going to be able to get them back inside. So, I tried the "No Bark" a few times and it would last until someone said something and it would start all over again. They were ok with just the ball being tossed but I guess when one said something to the other they felt like they were talking to them or something. So, I'm not one to let my dogs just stand outside and bark so I decided they were coming in. Figuring I was in for a challenge since they were so interested in the football game, I decided rather than just open the door and call them I would walk out towards where they were at the fence knowing once I was getting close they would take off. So, about half way out I said "Lucy, AnnaBelle, HERE!" Holy crap, they both turned around and ran straight to the house. It can't be that simple! Of course they have gotten some great treats for their efforts, but I just don't get it. What is the difference between the two words.
I cannot believe what word you use makes a difference. So I would theorize that come no longer held meaning for them because they have practiced blowing you off too mant times. Here is a new and interesting new word that they have not heard before so they simply must go to you and find out whats up. Keep up the big rewards...I think you are on to something.
I think you are probably right and I'm guessing the newness of this one will wear off as well. That is probably why Mamaw's Here works as well when I try that. However they normally catch on after a while. I'm going to see if we can't make sure they don't get away with ignoring me on this one by trying to be sure I never use it unless I can enforce it. That's the downside of having a large yard.
I don't know what the difference is but I am definitely going to try it! Daphne will come if I say "Come, get a treat". Lucy always comes because she just wants to be with me. I don't have to offer her any incentive. Thanks for the advice!
Interesting. I'm with BG on this one.
My dogs' recall sucks right now. But amazingly they always just come in when I open the door. They could be barking at the fence and I open the door and say anything and they sprint right in. It is bizarre.
We have practiced with a high pitched, PUPPY, PUPPY, PUPPY call which includes delicious treats. The guys respond so much better than to just come. We use it now for serious situations like Owen bolting out of the car door and racing through the neighbor's yard. I know this sounds like we are completely out of control and I don't deny it. But this happened this past week. Owen was in a perfect sit/stay in the car as I slowly opened the door to let him out when he suddenly bolted like lightening past me. sigh. He did come to the "puppy call". I'm think it is the treats and gleeful tone of voice we use for this command.
There was a recent discussion on a Phone in Talk Show with a local trainer- he said that 'Come' is over used.. and people often use it when you are taking the dog away from something they like.. ie leashing them up to leave the park.
He suggested people practice with other words.. So maybe the Here vs come is along that line. Interesting to think they can't hear it the same..
I often say 'This way' on a walk to get chester to come with me
We use 'Rocket' for that super special get your butt over here now..
I just started using the word "Place" and pointing to the ground at my left side. My friend does this with her Brittany Spaniel and the dog always gets in heel position at her side when I decided to try it too. It is working great as we practice it all around the house every day. I have Bailey sit/stay in a room and I go somewhere else where she can't see me and I say "Bailey, Place". She comes running to find me and she gets a Salmon treat (her favorite). Now I have started using it when we take our leisurely walks in the neighborhood. We don't have a fenced yard so she is allowed to roam to the end of her retractable leash (as we wander the very secluded street we live on) and sniff to her hearts content. I keep treats in my pocket and randomly call out "Bailey, Place" and she runs back to me and sits by my side....of course a treat is given. I am starting to not give a treat every once in a while and she is still responsive. I tried it today at a friends house where there were two other dogs that Bailey plays with in their fenced yard. I was so happy that she actually quit playing and ran to me when I called!! She is two years old and I have been struggling with having her respond to "Come" for a long while now and I am so excited that this new word is working!! Of course I guess the treats have a lot to do with it but I am sticking with it and sticking with the treats as incentive! I don't know when I should start cutting back the treats.........any advice???
I agree with BG, it's the fact that the word is different. I did recall training a couple years ago with sophie and learned to use a different word than come as most dogs get too used to it and learn to get away with not responding. I picked the word "monkey" and it worked bueatifully. She's been doing well ever since. When we are out wandering the woods all i have to call out "monkies!!" loudly and in a fun tone of voice and they both came running to me. At least Sophie still does...Winston has been going through a bit of a mid-life crisis over the past few months and has been rebelling! His recall has gone straight down hill. I am having a hard time getting him to come back now so I have to keep him on leash. It is frustrating. Treats don't work when he is on the scent of some little creature in the woods. His pray drive has gotten ridiculous.
I love the word "monkies" but since I call them "my little monkies" that word probably would not work for me…darn.
I love the word Monkies. I remember your post on that. I was just thinking I should have named AnnaBelle Monkey ...
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