Duncan loves his daily romps at the dog park but now twice in one week i have discovered a tick in MY BEDROOM!!!! First I awoke one morning to a "bug" crawling on my dresser at 7am. I discovered it was a tick. Luckily it was flat and hadn't attached itself so i burned it to dust.
This morning i awoke to find one crawling on my sheet about 12 inches from my face!!!! I thought i would puke. But I managed to run downstairs get a ziploc container and alcohol and tweezers. I grabbed it off the sheet and dumped it into the container. Again. It wasn't attached to Duncan or to me and didn't look like it had "fed" yet since it was so small and flat. But needless to say i can't understand how i can't see them when i do the inspection when we first get home. And why are these ticks not attaching themselves to either of us? Don't get me wrong i'm happy about that. Just curious. Duncan does have Frontline. But i know that doesn't "repel" them. ugh! I HATE TICKS...What else can i do to deter these arachnids from coming home with us?
One was embedded in Luca several weeks ago and had clearly fed. It appeared to be dead. I use Frontline year round and the dogs have had Lyme immunization. Not fun.
I hate ticks too, but here in PA they are pretty common. We have had several this year and we use Frontline faithfully too. They do sell some pretty nice tick remover tools at REI and it makes removal easier.
I already had to remove a tick from one of my boys last month - it was attached and feeding - so so very gross!! We use Revolution, but the vet said not to start using it until June!! A whole month away still. We have deer on our property, and we are surrounded by forest, so I am thinking it is something I am going to have to get used to. They are so disgusting, my husband was away so I had to deal with it on my own!!