Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I told Jack he needed to get a job to start covering the cost of his expensive life style, He has taken up the roll of Mr, Mom.. He is now for hire, babysitting. Notice how his paws are not touching the babies toys or pad, I only had to tell him one time yesterday to leave it, and he has not touched it yet.

We are taking applications for anyone who wants to hire him. Best dog gone babysitter you will ever ..findWill stay by your side through spit ups, burps,  smelly gas and hiccups,  Will lick your feet when fussy


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Such a good boy! I think he will miss the baby when it's gone! Cute pictures!
Good boy Jack!
I could use a sitter like him!

I had you in mind when I posted this.. For you Adina he will work for free!!!! I know he can't understand but somehow he seems to just know that we need to take care of this baby He does not feel in competition with it.. He in a very unlike Jack fashion, does not mind the baby getting attention at all He just watches and waits for his turn to love on the baby.  He just stays by his side all day, and tries to soothe him.. Who ever would have thought Jack would be so motherly...

That is sooo sweet, what a good boy Jack is!!!!....I am sure he could help Mom live the lifestyle, just put an ad in the local papers, I guarantee that the line will be forming around the block for hi services....Lol, he is just sooo cute, I love his sweet face...
Just too sweet!
Maybe Jack is a little bit like our Lucy.  DH always says she is fine with Dogs that come over to play ..... it is the ones that don't go home when night time comes (our fosters) that she has a problem with!   These photos are precious though.  Looks like you are are having a great time.  Not sure how you are doing it though .... to me, babysitting is exhausting.
Jennifer, these pictures are so adorable!  What a sweet boy Jack is.  Thanks for sharing these.
So sweet.
Jack is the cutest "Mr Mom" ever!
ha ha!!  so cute, way to go Jack!

Such a good boy.  

Sedona's very gentle with our granddaughter, but at times she just can't resist taking off with one of Kayla's toys (usually when we've left them on the floor and we're out of the room).  She doesn't chew it like it was her own toy - just carries it around like a trophy of some sort.



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