Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

JD had his MRI today. It went well, he was very confused and nervous, but they let me stay with him until they were ready to give him the general anesthetic, and he was first in line. He got fluids and antacids intravenously and he has been doing fine. We were there about 6 and a half hours. This evening, he ate a little dinner and kept it down, and even took a short walk. I think he'll be back to normal tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

He has a ruptured disc in the lumbosacral area of his spine. The diagnosis is "right lateralized L7-S1 nerve root compression (Type II IVD)".

I saw the images of the disc pressing on the nerve on one side, which would have been very interesting if it hadn't actually been pictures of my dog's spine.  

The surgeon said that surgery would fix it, but suggested that we try conservative treatment first, specifically acupuncture, chiropractic, and possibly laser therapy, whatever the latter might be. He also said that if this were you or me, surgery wouldn't even be mentioned at this point, which made me feel better. I got a referral to a holistic practice which JD's IMS had also recommended to me in the past. The place looks like a New Age spa:

This is uncharted territory for me, but if it can help JD without more drugs that might exacerbate his IBD and spare him from having to undergo spine surgery, I'm sure going to give it a try.

The surgeon also did a needle aspiration of a lump on JD's side. He has several lipomas which have been aspirated by his regular vet in the past, but this one seems firmer than the others. The surgeon will call me with the results next week, I'm hoping it's the same thing as all the others, just a harmless fatty tumor.

JD and I want to thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers over the past few days; I was a nervous wreck worrying about today, and I am just so thankful that this part is over and I have him home here resting comfortably. Think I'll go join him.

Stay tuned for the adventures of Karen and JD in the world of holistic, alternative healing, coming soon!



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Thanks, Nancy! I guess that candle and the peace sign magnet you sent with the HDA trophy were more appropriate than you knew! LOL

Good luck with the holistic approach.  I've known several people that have used accupuncture on their dogs with much success.

Thanks, Suzanne.

Wow that place does look like a spa!  I think we need pics of JD relaxing like that greyhound on the first page.  

Hopefully it will help with his back.. maybe it will help with his IBD too, who knows!

Thanks, J, I hope so!

Maybe JD needs a spa robe; oh Laurie.....

Yes, a spa robe....I can see it now. The president of the NDC gets caught on camera wearing a robe...LOL!!

No cameras in the spa! It disturbs the aura...or the karma...or something.

Karen, I'm so relieved that this is behind you an now you know exactly what you're dealing with.  I really think much of the stress over the past couple of weeks has come from not knowing.  I hope you and Jack got some much needed sleep last night.  I did check out your link and I'm LOLing here thinking of you with the Reiki, crystals and Heart Spirit flower essences.  You may have to change JD's name to Joplin, or Jarma, or even Stoner.  Will he look like this after his "treatment"?

LOL, Jane, never! I'd have to change his name to Jimi !

Definitely Jimi.

Happy to hear that everything went well with the MRI! Best of luck with his future treatments, looking forward to hear how his progress goes with the therapy!

Thanks, Jill.



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