Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so shook up I can barely type. We were out on our a.m. walk when suddenly this dog got out of his yard and attacked JD. I had to drop his leash, he was trapped. JD put up a fight but he's handicapped by his ruptured disc, and he fell. The other dog was over him down on the ground, I was screaming and trying to kick the other dog, I don't even know exactly what happened, my brain just shut down and it's a blur, it all happened so fast, but the dog was off of him by the time the owners came out. I was mostly worried about JD's back and didn't even know he was bitten until we got home. He has a puncture wound with a tear under his eye (thank God he missed the eye itself) and a big scrape across the top of his head. We're just back from the ER. They cleaned it and gave me pain meds and antibiotics...just what he needs with his IBD. I may not give him the pain meds, but I have to give him the amoxicillin, which is certain to upset his stomach. And I have to apply warm compresses to the wound under his eye several times a day for a few days so it doesn't scab up too fast. I am so upset I'm shaking. That dog got out of that yard so fast and so easily, they may as well not even have had a fence. 

Going to pick up his amoxicillin now. Poor JD. 


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I agree with Cheryl- report this to the police so at least there is a record of this.  The shot of antibiotics Jen suggested might be worth looking into as well.

I can only imagine how scary this was for you and JD.  At least he can't lick at it.  Poor baby.  

Thanks, Lori. The ER clinic is reporting it to the county. 

Yes, pretty scary! 

On no!  I am so sorry.  This happens all the time around here too and it makes me sick.  We had a close call a few weeks ago with a pit bull.  I fortunately I able to jump in and give it a knee to the chest as it was lunging at Lola.  If I hadn't I know know what would have happened.  Right now just take care of his health and know that we are all thinking and praying for you two.  There will be time later to worry about what to do in the future.  Also as hard as it sounds, I think it's important to behave as normally as possible so that JD doesn't get freaked out psychologically by the whole thing.

I'm pretty sure they are legally required to pay the vet bills.  If you want me to research it, let me know.

Thanks, Jay. I might just take you up on that. 

Oh Karen, that's so scary!  I'm so sorry for both JD and you!  He must be so bewildered!  I'm so glad he's got you!  I think after you get his amoxicillin and get him settled, you should have a big glass of wine.  Hugs!

Thanks, Wendy! Good idea, lol. 

Oh, my! I am so sorry to hear this, Karen. I hope JD heals well. Owners of the other dog should pay for JD's treatment!!!

Thanks, J! 

Oh no, poor JD!  I'm glad the bite doesn't sound serious.  I hope the owners of the dog that got out will offer to pay for his medical visit.

Luna has been bitten before (some dogs don't take too kindly to her super submissive nature for some reason...) but never enough to break the skin.

Thanks, J! 

Oh Karen, what a nightmare! Poor JD ! I'm sure you are very shaken. We may need a Yappy Hour this afternoon to help calm you! It's five o'clock somewhere so drinks are called for.
I'm sure your Vet is aware of the possible side effects to JDs IBD in regards to the meds and must feel it is the best course in the long run. Maybe he can take a pain med with food to not upset him as much, if you feel he really needs it. Will he tolerate a cold pack to the area? That might help with discomfort temporarily.
When you said "and gave me pain meds...." I did think for a split second that it was for YOU! I know I would need something strong to stop the shaking!
So glad you are both home and healing with eachother. Give JD lots of hugs from us!

Thanks, Sue. He saw an ER vet today, my vet isn't available on Sunday, but she did have his history and did hesitate to give him antibiotics. I'm going to talk to his regular vet about it tomorrow. They told me to use warm compresses. I haven't tried it yet. 



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