Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Jennifer just posted on Facebook that her surgery has been postponed. It sounds like issues with the FDA. It could be on or two more weeks waiting. Hoping she is able to get stronger as she waits and that final approval comes in quickly. This has to be so discouraging for her and for her family and friends.

A long-time member of DoodleKisses is in the hospital and about to undergo a miraculous surgery. As many of you know Jennifer has a lot of health issues. She has a deteriorating airway and her pulmonary artery is pressing on it. It has become almost impossible for her to breathe. She was flown by air ambulance from SC to Michigan last week where a surgeon will attempt a correction for the first time on any adult.

She has been a pinnacle of bravery and inspiration to many on this site and we are excited to learn that she is about to receive this opportunity for healthier living.  The FDA has approved her surgery for Friday. 

Please send prayers or good thoughts her way as she hopes to be strong enough to undergo this procedure. We look eagerly to a future of easy breathing for Jennifer! 


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Thoughts and prayers going up for Jennifer, her family & friends, and all the medical professionals caring for her.

Thanks so much, Julie

Oh, I hope, hope, hope this goes well for Jennifer! I will be thinking of her!

Thank you, Ginny!

Jenn's strength, resolve and faith are inspirational.  My card will be in the mail! 

She is admirable, Lori. Thanks.

Thanks for the post.  I'm sending positive thoughts her way hoping this surgery will put her on the road to good health.

She posted on FB this afternoon that the surgery has been delayed a week, maybe two pending more FDA approval paperwork etc.  Gotta get all the i's dotted and T's crossed and make sure it is as safe as possible.  She'll remain there in the hospital until when ever it happens!

Here is her post about the postponement :

Jennifer Champy
5 hours ago near Ann Arbor, MI
So surgery is rescheduled .....postponed.....put on hold.....pick a word for not Happening this Friday....there are two glitches that are expected to be worked out between FDA and means I am going to have to wait until all the i s are dotted and the t/ means the procedure will be as safe as possible for me to have and I am grateful for the team being so super means a change of plans for people who already booked flights means figuring more stuff out. .......I am thankful for the people,working so hard to make sure all the ducks are In. Row........please prayer this is tough I know good..... But hArd. Surgery maybe in one to two weeks....xxoxooxo
Another amazing post from our friend Jennifer:

Just a follow up....and a cute looking bear! He is my survival bear! I got him on my air flight called survival flight. I can't think of a name for him.....yesterday was a rough day for me....I was exhausted, drugged and not I had Cynthia go home a she can get back to work........she has a ticket to come back closer to the date of my projected surgery........ I believe all my friends and family scheduled to Come are on hold....I rather have them there after surgery. I am in amazing hands with the best nurses I am in a Pediatric great hands.....once I got here they were able to stabilize me ..change my trach out and put me on a different vent.....the surgeons here are more and more incredible with each interaction I have with I want to be fixed now? Yes but what I am blessed enough to be a part of i am humbled ..and believe in with my whole juvenile of me to be even slightly off that I need to wait......I am proud and happy to do whatever I can until the time has come for me to receive the gift of life again........what's a few extra weeks in the hospital? Without this surgery I will die..... At best spend months more in the hospital before I I am safe, they can take me. To surgery as needed if I really circle the drain but in the meantime, I am so blessed, so,grateful yo be. Living in such a time as this and working with some of the most compassionate researchers that exist......please pray for them and their families, for the FDA. And the poor souls trying to figure through me medical records. Please pray for my surgeons ! They are working so so hard..... I have the easy part of waiting .., to you all
Jennifer is my hero!

So sorry for the postponement.



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