Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Casper is now just over a year old.  I would like to know if jogging with Casper for 2.5 miles a few times a week is too much, or just right for a dog his age.  There is a lot out there on the internet and one year seems to be the age at which jogging is OK (growth / bone and joint wise) and that Goldens and Poodles (NOT a lot out there about Doodles) are good breeds for running.  So, what do you all think?  2.5 miles 4 or 5 times a week OK?  I do a loop, so another option is to do 1.25 and drop the dog off.  Casper seems to have a LOT of energy to burn off, but don't want to damage his joints.  Tonight we did 2.5 and casper was pooped and breathing heavily, but settled down nicely after a little while.  Thoughts?  

Kevin, Lori's main squeeze

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I was advised 18 months as well from 2-3 Vets, we were traveling during shot months when he was a puppy so saw different vets in different areas of the country. I built him up gradually starting with longer and longer walks, then short jogs, and really just let him set the pace and the distance as he is very good and telling me when enough was enough. And since I couldn't run and carry a 50-60 pd dog, I always stopped short of his laying down and looking at me with that "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" look on his face. We were up to 2-3 miles by 15-18 months, several times a week. Now he does 3 pretty easily and since "winter" is coming in Arizona, we will be out more now. Murphy is 22 months old now. Hips and joints all appear fine at each vet exam. Getting yearly physical monday so I will post if anything shows up.
I just asked my vet about this and her said only 1 mile until Marley is 9 months...then I can gradually build her up to my standard 3 miles over a 2-3 month period. I do a loop too and usually take her for the first mile then drop her off and finish myself....can't wait to have her run the whole thing with me!



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