Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Halloween day I was off and decided that it would be bath day for Bailey. I hadnt given her one since around beginning of September so I knew she was due, plus she had been scratching herself more then usual.... Well I guess that shouldve been my first hint.  DH joked that its probably fleas, I gasped and said knock on wood, we would not want that..


I bet you all know where this is heading... We had a great bath time, I used my own shampoo on her (dog safe) and she was smelling peachy keen, I was just brushing out the mats around her neck with my fingers when I saw these..


















Well at first I thought it was dirt, then I pulled a piece off and noticed it had antenaes!!!!!!!!! I was so grossed out. So then I started checking everywhere and sure enough they are ALLLL over her neck. I immediately thought it was fleas, but then noticed they barely moved. So I called the vet, they asked me to bring in a sample on some tape, so I did... any guesses???



LICE! or Luce, whatever you wanna call it! Im now scratching everywhere, even though I know it cant be transmitted to humans. The vet gave us 4 doses of Defend to use once a month for 2 months.  I put the first dose on that night. They didnt really say to much else said they are relatively easy to get rid of. So I didnt really think to much of it, well today I decided to pick some out.. I got 28!! in like 5 minutes






















So now I am uber grossed out. I started reading more about it. The vet gave me little to NO information, didnt tell me to wash anything or do anything, so since it cant be transmitted to humans I didnt care, but now im freaked out, im sure thats not even half of whats on her. So i read more online and it said to wash just dogs bedding and clothing... well she has no clothing and no bedding, just sleeps in bare crate during day and either on the CARPET beside the bed at night or for the past week on our bed!!! Ewww


Anyone dealt with this, have any advice of how I should handle it? I know it will take a while for them to die off and for the new luce to hatch and then die, so how often should I be washing things. Should i quarantine her to the crate only at night now? I dont want to I feel so bad. I will wash our sheets and bedding tonight and vaccumm the carpet extra good.. but what else? what about her stuffies? They also said to throw out all brushes??? I was thinking of soaking them in lysol or something I just bought her a whole new grooming set.. Ugh.


On top of everything we had 5 other dogs here within the week for her birthday party (she turned 1), so I had to phone and tell all of them to go get something from the vet as preventative. (They dont recommend yearly flea or tick preventative here for inside dogs so no one uses anything) Thankfully everyone was really nice about it.... I feel like a bad mommmy now, and worst yet online it said generally indoor well kept dogs and clean houses do not get lice... I brush her all the time and like to say I keep my house very clean. We havent even gone to the dog park since end of August! Sigh, so heres thinking it came from one of her friends we had over..


One last question... Do you guys think I should shave her? I just bought a brand new clipper set and can do it.. but Ive worked so hard to keep her hair! Its just beautiful right now, spiral fleece ... but im scared the nits will hatch and cause more problems I can see them in the hairs...tear! Or maybe I should just shave her neck....? HELP PLEASE!




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OMG, didn't know dogs could get lice!  Wish I could give some advice, but I just wanted to let you know that you ARE a good dog Mommy.  I'm sure that there are many others out there that have dealt with this.  I use Frontline Plus all year because of the ticks around here, so I'm guessing that helps.

Good luck and don't panic and shave her...she's beautiful and I'm sure the treatments will take care of everything:)

I'm itchy just reading this.  I did not know dogs got lice either.  Kinda funny, having to call "all the other parents" just like kids. I have dealt with plenty of kids with lice through my work, so can advise from that experience.  I would not throw out the grooming tools.  Instead soak them overnight in hot water with some bleach in it.  Wash all stuffies and anything that can't be washed you can bag up and put in a freezer for 24 hours.  I would not necessarily shave her either.  The treatment should kill the nits.  I would just keep at it (combing them out) to be sure.  Best luck.
Lice, in humans, can happen to perfectly clean people so I'm betting that's true for dogs too. Bailey will be fine and lice free soon.
Please don't cut her beautiful hair! (unless it makes you feel better) I really hope this passes fast for you all. What a terrible birthday present hey? Happy Birthday Bailey!

EWW!!!!  Oh, I SO empathize with Bailey!  I was 20 and I got head lice - don't know where, how, why - was totally embarrassed, grossed out, and itchy!  Went out on a date with my future husband, was keeping my distance (something about having to shampoo with lice treatment makes a girl not feel very chummy) when he said "what's wrong, do you have cooties?".  The look of shock and horror on my face clued him in to the truth of his tease.......

Tell Bailey that she is beautiful and it wasn't her (or her owner's) fault that she has those nasty pests!

OG!! That would have creeped me out!!! I did not know that dogs can get lice, either!!! I know it is really hard to get rid of lice from working in school..... Kids are not allowed back until all of the adult, nymphs and nit are gone.... and they have to comb their hair with really fine tooth comb..... I am so so rry that you have to deal with this.....



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