I really thought I had a good handle on Guinness's & Murphy's "personalities". There haven't been many surprises from them in a while.....until yesterday. We went to a cookout at my son-in-law's Mom's home which is way out in the country on many acres. There were six dogs (two Labs, a Golden, another Doodle, and our two), and she has chickens and horses. My guys behavior was a complete surprise to me. Murphy positioned himself right by my side for at least the first hour. He would not let any of the other dogs approach me....he gave a low growl that sent a clear message. Again, for the first hour, he wouldn't run and play....literally he just sat beside me. As he became more comfortable he did move away, but never let me out of his sight. Guinness, on the other hand, was a bit of a "wild man". Of course, he was the smallest dog, and for some reason he had a real attitude with the other dogs. He's been going to daycare most of his life, and he's always displayed great "manners". Yesterday for some reason he felt the need to try to be the "tough guy" with the other dogs....barking, showing teeth. There was no biting, but he was sending a message of "leave me alone". This seemed to confuse Murphy who would just bark like crazy when Guinness was "going at it" with another dog. Guinness was also running like a complete lunatic, and at one point squished himself under the fence and into a pen with a horse and donkey. Not a good situation, especially with his size. At that point I ended up having to tether him. The horses completely "freaked out" Murph...he barked non-stop when they were in his view, although he didn't go anywhere near them (too busy "guarding" Mom).
So, I'm really not sure that I handled any of this appropriately. I tried to redirect Murphy when he was guarding me from the other dogs, but there was no changing his focus at that point. I did correct him whenever he growled, but other than that I ignored the behavior. Was there a better way to handle this? With Guinness, I was at a total loss, since I've never seen him act this way with other dogs. As I mentioned, I ended up putting him on a tether, and either DH or I stayed right with him to prevent any more of his "nonsense", but again I wonder if there was something different that I could have done. Lastly, the frantic barking at the horse....I had no clue how to stop that since it was almost impossible to get him to a place in the yard where he wouldn't have a view of the horse.
I'm sure everyone there was talking about the "bratty Doodles" after we left. So much for my normally well-behaved boys. They certainly did NOT represent the Doodle breeds very well yesterday, and Mom was very embarrassed.