Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum about some photos of those Halloween doodles....I'll start....

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I particularly like the gizmos that join the ends.If I knew what they were called I could look for them on the net. I braided Luca a paracord (the cord they use on parachutes ) leash as practice for braiding a leather leash, which I never did, of course.I really like the leash, it's lightweight, strong and washable but I couldn't end it off nicely. The gizmos might work well since I would like to make one for Calla so I recently got new colors of paracord. Here's a picture with Luca's leash. Maybe I'll start a discussion and somone will know the gizmo's name Thanks for the info on the leash.

Haha! Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of her other side, there is a pen sewed into a pocket and a glove sticking completed the look! Her name tag says Dr. L. Lehner DVM (Dog of Veterinary Medicine). She actually loved wearing it, I was surprised!
I do believe that is a vet my doodles would like....very cute!
Happy Halloween from Boo and Cricket!!

So cute, and they're posing so nicely!
What cuties!!!! I love the pink dress!!!
Cuteness overload!



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