Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
That doesn't exactly ryhme, but it's the best I could do off the top of my head.
On Saturday or Sunday, my Mom and I both felt a large lump on Halas' right hip. I think I had felt it before, but I could only feel that side at the time, so I just thought it was muscle. But this weekend, I could feel both hips at once, and there is definitely a large lump on his right side that he doesn't have on his left side. If something looks or feels strange to me, and there's not a corresponding strange thing on the opposite side, I figure it shouldn't be there. So I called the vet this morning, and they got him in at 10:00. They aspirated it, checked it under the microscope, and said it's just a lipoma. Whew! I kind of figured that's what it was, but it was good to get the confirmation. They said it's possible he will get more, so I should be ready for that, although he is kind of young to be getting them. Otherwise, I'm just keeping an eye on this one. If it seems like it's causing him discomfort, or it starts to harden, they will consider removing it.
With all of his fluff, it's not the easiest thing to notice, so it looks like I'll have to spend more time petting him to check him for more of them. I think he'll be OK with that.
I'm calling it his heffalump, because that sounds better than lipoma or fatty tumor.
I love that you call it his heffalump and so glad that it is just a fatty tumor.
Seems like we are joining the club :(. Here is very informative article. It seems these fat deposits appear as way of the body removing sources that can not be normally removed through a normal process. Has anyone used a Bio-Alge product?
Unfortunately, this is not a very informative article, IMO. It''s basically an ad for this company's products. It is not fact based and the information is scientifically incorrect. In fact, it's ridiculous. The material in a lipoma is fat, and while it may be unwanted, the only way the body gets rid of fat "normally" is by burning it off metabolically. It has nothing to do with the kidneys, the liver, or the intestines.
While the causes of lipoma are unknown, they typically occur most often in older dogs and overwieght dogs, and certain breeds are more prone to developing item, including Goldens and Labs.
I would not waste my money on the Algae product, or any product. The only way to get rid of lipomas is with surgery.
Thank you for your opinion Karen. This is all new to me. I have hired a holistic specialist. Gathering as much info as possible to make an appropriate decision.
You usually don't have to do anything for lipomas but watch them. Once they have been needle-aspirated to be sure of what they are, of course.
JD has several specialists, including a holistic vet who does his acupuncture and chiropractic treatments, and often recommends herbal remedies, and even she agrees that the only treatment for lipomas is surgery.
Have you ever given the Algae product a try?
I wouldn't dream of it. In addition to the fact that I understand enough about physiology and lipomas to know that it would be useless, I wouldn't buy anything from a company with such inaccurate and misleading information on their website.
Thank goodness I have a place to come for sound advice! Thanks Karen! So far, we are just using the omega oil, probiotic. Have landed on one dry food she is not allergic to. Her other skin condition cleared after taking her off a plant based probiotic and switching up the food. Cant seem to find about source of food she does not how an issue with. Need no chicken, salmon, flax, potato or root veggies. I
f you know of one that is not turkey based, that would be great. Using GO Turkey now. Grain free and all that. Kind of sound like we need to go raw. Thanks!
Lipomas are not a skin condition. They are benign tumors. They don't cause the dog any discomfort unless they get big enough to impede movement. They have nothing to do with diet or supplements.
No food or supplement is going to cause them, and no food or supplement is going to make them go away, or keep your dog from getting them.
I know of all kinds of foods with and without just about any ingredient there is, including turkey. But that's a topic for the Food Group, lol.
Fact based veterinary information on lipomas:
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