Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My son and his girlfriend gave birth to our first grandchild, a
beautiful baby boy, this week, but unfortunately we only had 5 precious
hours with him.  Needless to say, we are all grief stricken, but they
are devastated.
She is a vet tech assistant who grooms dogs on the side and they are
both animal lovers.  A few months back she chose to rehome her golden
pup because they realized they could not give her the attention once the
baby arrived.....they already have a very active 18 month old.  It was a
very hard decision for them, but the right thing at the time.
They regularly take my two doodles on "overnighters" because they adore
them.  When this happened on Wednesday, they took my two pals home with
them for a couple of days and found much comfort.
After talking it over, they have reached out to me to help them find a
goldendoodle rescue for themselves.  I'm actively seeking out leads on
petfinder, etc, but thought I might additionally reach out to you all,
as well.
We are located in Massachusetts, but I know they would travel for pick up if it was the right match.
Please feel free to email me directly at or send a private message on the forum.

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thank you. Just to clarify, they already have an 18 month old at home and had lived all of his life with the golden...they felt they couldn't do it with an infant in addition and they made a responsible decision which was best for them at the time.
I would not be searching for a dog for them unless they had asked me, which they had today and it wasn't to replace a child, nor was I thinking it will make any hurt go away.
We are all aware of the commitment.....especially her, having owned dogs all of her adult life, as well as working with them.
I do appreciate your advice and understand your concern, though
I can't even think about how much your family has to bear right now.

I just thought the foster option might be perfect if they think they may want to try again sometime soon (though I am sure it's hard to think about right now.)

We actually just got a second Doodle - and I am due Nov. 4th. I'm sure most of my friends thought I wasn't thinking clearly and it was a horrible time. She's been a wonderful addition. If my husband would agree I think I would have a dog for each child. We would be some crazy home of 4 Doodles and 4 Kids.

Something else you might check is the DRC's board "DOODLES IN NEED" these dogs are not held by IDOG or DRC, but identified possible and confirmed Doodles at other rescues. It could help broaden your search if you weren't already checking there. You mentioned petfinder but it might help you identify some potential dogs faster... especially dogs that aren't in your immediate area.
thank you Heather. I'm looking wherever I can. Thought maybe if I reached out to my doodle friends we may find a coincindental dood needing to be rehomed or that someone may have noticed something local that I missed. She asked me to do some initial searching because I'm a doodle fanatic and I've gradual turned both her and my son over to "the doodle side";)
I also would have a houseful if I had the room. Been considering fostering for a while, but I know I couldn't give them up when the time came. Scrappy and Grover are much loved, too spoiled and both are treated better than my human kids. I can't imagine a day without them.
I wish you good luck with your new will definitely have your hands full! Fortunately, doodles are perfect and don't give us any extra work at all;)
I am very sorry for your loss, Mary.
Mary - our heartfelt condolences to you and your family!
Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Mary. You and your family have my sincere sympathies. Keep your chin up!!
Mary, I am so sorry for your families loss. Follow your hearts. God bless.
Im so so sorry for the loss of a precious grandchild, and I cannot begin to imagine the pain that the parents must be feeling. I am sure that a Goldendoodle would bring them so much joy - but only if they are prepared to have a dog even if another baby comes along.

I can completely understand that it must all be so raw right now - and that they might not even want to think about another child right now. But - if they find themselves pregnant again would they still have time for the dog?

These are just initial thoughts, as I know from experience that rash decisions made in the midst of great grief are sometimes short lived. If - in the bigger picture, a doodle will fit well into their family, then good luck in finding a forever friend for them.
thank you so much. They are prepared for a dog and have never NOT had one. I know it's not the right move for everyone, but in their case it's very appropriate.
Vicky, I am questioning too, as I have no experience with rescue, but if a rescue organization would be willing to place a dog in a situation where a dog was just recently rehomed??
thank you for once again pointing this out to me. I hope some day you will be made to feel as you've made me feel just for having reached out to friends that I have had here for years. I truly hope you never have to experience what I have.
I am now officially sorry I posted here. I do not want to get into a debate on the subject with anyone. I do not want to get into details about why by son and his girlfriend may or may not be having more children. I do not want to have to keep defending my choices.
Thank you all for your sympathy.



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