Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,

We already have one goldendoodle who is the center of our life :-) . He is 22 months old. We would like to get another one. My family really loves big dogs. Aslan (our GD) i 65 pound and almost 27 inch.

Do you know any breeder that may have large /extra large GD or LD?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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Hi Nalan,

Breeder recommendations and referrals are not permitted here in the forums. People can send you PMs if you accept a friend request. 

Hi Karen,

How do I do that?


If someone has a recommendation for you, they will send you a friend request. You just accept it.

You posted this same discussion a year ago. You may want to refer back to that discussion also. The advice in that discussion should be able to help you here as well

If you could find a breeder that uses royal poodles in their breeding program, those pups would most likely be the largest available. It might take a lot of research though. Many of the breeders have gone to the smaller end of things, because that is what many clients want.

Agree totally with this response.  The royal poodles would be your best bet, and it may take some research.  Also many breeders are going smaller for the obvious reasons.  Some of us do love the larger dogs, but there are problems with sharing our smaller homes with larger dogs and with walking larger dogs for us older folks.

On another note... I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers the big guys! (: Mine will be large/extra large, but his litter was a one time litter so I don't have any recommendations. Sorry.

good luck!

Just out of curiosity how 'big' is extra large to you? I have 4 boys (2 rescue and 2 from breeder) all of them are suppose to be "standards" and I think a loose definition of standard is 22 or 24 inches at the withers. None of my boys are 24" at the withers. My 'smallest' standard is 25" at the withers, the middle two are at 26-27" and my 'largest' is almost 28" at the withers. The poundage on mine range from 55 lbs to 75 lbs. I consider all of mine "large" but wouldn't consider them huge. However many people who see them think they are huge so I guess I have a skewed perspective. As far as weight vs height two of my boys are solid "lab" type bodies with heavy bone, my other 2 have smaller bones (even though they are tall) and they should never weight 75 lbs because that would put too much stress on their joints IMO. Good luck on your search. We love big doodles here too.



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