Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Becka Jun 26, 2017. 19 Replies 0 Favorites
I'm so saddened by this but after posting the teeth cleaning thing on here I got to thinking and I just don't think I trust the vet I picked up here. The constant teeth cleaning badgering plus every…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Stacy Jun 17, 2017. 18 Replies 0 Favorites
I admit, I do not brush my doodles teeth everyday. My vet is big on dentals. I've had all 4 doods teeth professionally cleaned by the vet 4 months ago and she's saying they all need dentals again!…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by jenn D Jun 11, 2017. 20 Replies 0 Favorites
Hi everyone,I haven't been on in awhile. We have 4 big standard doodles. I call them the sandwich pack because their names make up Big Mac and PB&J. About a year and a half ago we move from a New…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by jenn D Jul 26, 2016. 3 Replies 0 Favorites
I feed my crew Acana Wild Prarie. It's the only food they all tolerate well. When we got our current batch from Chewy and opened a bag it was a slightly darker color and a little shiny. Did the…Continue
jenn D has not received any gifts yet
Posted on June 12, 2014 at 7:00am 12 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted on June 8, 2014 at 6:48am 16 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on June 5, 2014 at 8:04pm 12 Comments 0 Favorites
Hello, its us: PB&J southwest doodle division reporting in.
As our mom already posted, we are getting a brand new backyard. We are pretty stressed out right now. There are a lot of scary guys ripping things up, moving things, building things. We feel the need to protect our castle so we are barking our heads off inside. A lot. Mom wants ear plugs. We are just trying…
ContinuePosted on April 3, 2014 at 9:58am 13 Comments 1 Favorite
We were talking on the DK forum about how I keep kids and dogs off the floor at the same time.
First of all let me preface this by saying I have an extreme case. I have 3 dogs all under a year and a half (Brisby 1 ½ years, Jake 1 year and 2 months, Pickles 5 months) and two kids that had/has significant medical issues. Throw in the fact that I am a super type A personality and you get a family dynamic that operates best under a…
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Thanks for the friend request, Jenn! I hope Mac's GI system is doing better now.
Thanks for the friend request Jenn :)
Hi Jenn, Bayley was 2 in November. She now weighs 56 pounds. That is just about perfect for us. We were afraid based on her early rapid weight gain that she was going to be HUGE. But she would be perfect at any size. Bigger dog....more to hug. Enjoy your pup. The first few months can be trying, but you will look back on it and wonder where the time went.
P.S. Your Doodles sound amazing and how exciting about your new addition to arrive in January :)
Jenn, We got your very creative Holiday card. I just love it. I am going to see my great nephew and niece tomorrow and I plan on taking it with me for us to enjoy together. LOVE! Brisby and Jake are too cute! Thank you again and we hope you have a wonderful Holiday season, too!!
Brisby and Jake you are just too adorable! Thanks for the update on your training, sounds exciting in your home:) Then, to hear a new Doodle is being added, well it doesn't get any better than that one:) Jake, you rock! Libby's Mom loves word searches and crossword puzzles, thanks so much! Enjoy the Season!
I got your wonderful card today. Brisby is so literate - I mean games and all! :-} Jake is such a cutie - Thanks for rescuing him. He needed your family. And congrats on the upcoming addition of a little dood.
ALD does stand for Australian Labradoodle. So is Brisby your ALD and the white dog?
Welcome to the ALD group. So Brisby's first birthday is coming up. I am guessing he is your little black dog as the white dog in the photos does not look like an ALD. Post some photos. And enjoy the upcoming birthday. Is he still hyper? My ALD is three years old and just starting to settle down a little.
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