Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi :)  I have a question, and I'm hoping someone on here can help me out.  Lani, my 5 month ALD, has been doing something weird lately.  During the day her stools are perfectly normal.  Right around bedtime when she goes to the bathroom though she has gas and her stools are very loose, but once morning comes her stools are back to normal and again once nightime hits she has gas and loose stools again.  Any ideas????

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have you changed her food recently? Or her feeding schedule (ie feeding once a day in the evening)? Is she perhaps drinking more water in the evening?

Is she getting more treats or chew objects in the evening between dinner and bedtime?

Kaytlin - her food has stayed the same as has her eating schedule - that's interesting what you say about water, though.  At night right before bedtime Lan wants to play with her sister (our English Bulldog, Roxie) and they both play rough.  After a rough and tumble play session they both run to the water bowl and drink nonstop.  So maybe that's what's causing it.  I didn't think of that.  In the evening she DEFINITELY drinks more water.


Karen - nope, no more treats or chews than usual.

Drinking water shouldn't create loose stools, though.

I think it's possible that the increased rough and tumlbe activity in the evening is preventing dinner from being fully digested, and that's why she's having loose stools in the evening, immediately after the exercise. Not sure though.

Wheeler went through this exact same thing! All day he was fine & at bed time he would have to go about 4 times trough the night, poor guy would go running off the deck into his yard! We kept getting his stool checked & everything was fine! I took it amongst myself & gradually changed his food to a better quality & it's been a couple months & his stool has been normal! I think they can be just like us, I know when something's not right with me, it always seems to be worse in the evening! Oh, the vet put him on this powder called Forta Flora that I had to sprinkle on his food for a couple of weeks, even though his stool did not test any parasites & that worked while he was on it, but as soon as he got off of it, the loose stools in the evening came back! And that's when I changed his food.



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