Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello fellow doodle owners! Luke is now a little over 4 months and seems to have leveled out in growth. It seems like he grew super fast from 8 weeks until a few weeks ago and now he has seemed to stop growing. The vet as well as the breeder said he wouldn't grow much bigger and he would fill out. I hope so! Also, Luke has lost all of his baby teeth and I wondered if that was any indication of his growth and if he was done growing! His paws, are HUGE! But, when he is wet, he looks tiny! I absolutely love Luke!

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Luke is a cutie. I would think he would still grow some since he is only over 4 months old.

I agree....a few more months of growth is likely.

He is adorabel!   I would say he is still going to grow. Sometimes they stop for awhile and then all of a sudden you look at them say, whoa!  At least that is what Libby did:)

He is soooo cute!!! He will probably keep growing. I have a mini and she grew up until probably 9 months. My "medium" seems to still be growing but he's 1 and 2 months so hopefully he's done :)

My doodle grew until......well......he probably just stopped a month or two ago.  (He turned a year in March, I swear he kept growing and growing and growing!)

Luke is a cutie.  I agree with others that he still has some more growing to do.

Your pup is adorable! I don't know when he will stop growing. We have standard Goldendoodles and they did not stop growing until around a year. At two years they were filled out completely. I am sure it is early for the smaller breeds but 4 months seems a bit early. He may grow a little bigger but then there is just more to love. ;o)

He is adorable!  My Finley is 4 months and he looks super tiny too when he is wet.  Then he dries and is a cotton ball again.  :)

Sweetie pie!  

The smaller the dog the sooner they reach full growth, but 4 months seems really early. Ned didn't change much from 6 months  to 8 months when he stopped growing in size or weight.  He is 5 now and only changed his weight last fall.

What a cutie,,,,what my trainer has told me is they can have later in life growth spurts...and to expect anything for at least first yr and a little beyond

I Love the pic of him sitting in the basket.  He is such a cutie.



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