Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So awfully difficult to write about -- I've not been on the site in ages; things had been going so well with our 3 1/2 yr old chocolate mini-Australian labradoodle. His pictures don't even do him justice. We get stopped every time we go out with him; he is just so adorable and sweet natured. But we were shocked and devastated to learn last week of his diagnosis - I can even feel his enlarged lymph nodes I'm waiting for a call back from a recommended oncologist tomorrow; even had a homeopath friend check with some of her colleagues here and all advised the same. Have to wonder if/what others have experienced. I want to give Bosco a fighting chance IF it's reasonable to do so. I read of one other Labradoodle who went through chemo and the results - which I know is not curative, only palliative. Our hearts are just breaking. 

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Bosco is so handsome!  Sending healthy vibes for continued improvement!

Thought for tomorrow, Chemo #2, as imparted in yoga on Saturday:

"If we focus on the stress in life, we take away from our capacity for peace".  

Susan -- Love that you are doing yoga.  I started taking Yoga classes when Sophie first got sick.  I had so much free time because we weren't able to do our Therapy visits so I started adding classes at the gym.  Yoga is one of my favorites.  Good Luck tomorrow.

Good luck tomorrow.

Hope Bosco's treatment went well today...thinking of you all.

Thank you and yes; treatment went well, Bosco is in remission.

On the subject of pesticides, I will share what vet had to say:

"I am not a big believer that pesticides are the cause of lymphoma in dogs.  There are too many other factors involved.  It is definitely possible, but unless your dog is licking the cracks and walls of the buildings/ground, and comes in contact with the pesticides right after they spray, I think the environmental exposure to our pets is lower than we fear.  
They have tried doing epidemiological studies with pesticides, etc. and the possible role in dog cancer, and the data is unclear.  To me, the science behind epidemiological studies is shaky, especially in dogs (ie. do you remember exactly what products you used 8 years ago--even before Bosco was born--that could possibly still be around your house?  and what about the park?  and any places that you've traveled?  and any furniture or sheets or clothing that were made in China?  etc... the list goes on).  I know some oncologists believe pesticides are a bigger contributing factor more than I do, but for me, there are too many other factors to consider.
Perhaps the pesticides may contribute to the development of cancer in some dogs--but I believe the genetic mutation (perhaps at the stem cell level) likely must be present for any other environmental factors to have a significant contribution. 
Hope this helps.  
I am just very sorry that Bosco has lymphoma.  He's a very very dear little dog, and I know this is heartbreaking".
I may continue to post from time to time....but going forward, for various reasons, I think it may be best to keep our journey out of the public eye. If any of you who have posted and I know from the board would like to contact me, please feel free to send me a PM.    

Hugs back at you. May Bosco continue to do well and stay in remission for a long, long time. 

Thank you for taking the time to update us and relaying the Vet's thoughts on the subject.
Continued Prayers that Bosco continues on the road to recovery.


Good luck.
Will be thinking of you both tomorrow. And of course...continued Prayers.

Susan and Bosco:  I am sending you both my prayers.  Bosco seems like an amazing dog.  And you seem like a very loving, beautiful soul.



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